Tumbleweed - Clementine error after last update

Hi! I’ve just updated to the latest Tumbleweed and sadly found that I cannot start Clementine any more. When I try, I get the following error:

clementine: symbol lookup error: clementine: undefined symbol: _ZN8CryptoPP6SHA5129TransformEPyPKy

It seems to be a problem with crypto++ which doesn’t appear to have an install candidate available.

Hopefully my music will return? Thank you in advance!

The same problem has been mentioned on the factory mailinglist too:

But so far there’s no information there yet either as to what the reason is or when/how it will be fixed.

It seems to be a problem with crypto++ which doesn’t appear to have an install candidate available.

Yes. Maybe something that needs a rebuild hasn’t been rebuilt yet…
Or maybe there was an incompatible change in libcryptopp that would require a rebuild of clementine.

I would suggest trying to run “zypper dup --no-allow-vendor-change” to rule out a partial update as the culprit though.

You could also try to install the clementine package from the devel repo (multimedia:apps) for now:

This one gets rebuilt after every change to the packages it depends on, so it might work. But I haven’t tested that as I don’t use Tumbleweed.

Hopefully my music will return?

Well, your music shouldn’t be gone, right? :wink:

There are other players available.

Personally I do still prefer Amarok (yes, the KDE4 version, though the KDE3 version on which Clementine is actually based is still available too), and also Audacious for nostalgy (similar to XMMS and WinAMP)…

Same here. I am guessing one of the libs has changed.

As Wolfi explained the Clementime version from:


works fine. This is dated the 27/2 as against the 3/2 for the version in the oss repo (which I suppose has yet to catch up).

The oss repo has caught up now and the version from there now works

Thank you for the information! :slight_smile:

And I can say that the maintainer is currently working on a more future-proof solution…