Tumbleweed ARM ( Raspberry Pi 2)


I would like to ask if any one could share with me a working image to install because all the image listed here are which broken or simply keep freezing during install (mean like i let it work over night and didn’t move).

Or else if someone could help me to build my own image and mentor me if possible (would be my first time compiling an image and building one).

To give you an idea of what i’m trying to do is i have a Lenovo RD340 built with openSUSE Tumbleweed with KIWI-LTSP and i plan to deploy about 25 fat client ( raspberry Pi 2) with it trying hard to do it for a low cost deployment, ultra small form factor and energy effiency. for the LTSP config everything is ready exept my client since i haven’t been able to get an image working.

I would be so greatfull if i could get a hand on this or else i do have already 25 client(thin client) at the moment but those aren’t working with opensuse (still supported version) the current client are i386 client latest kernel compatible is 3.4.2 so quite old.

So yet again thanks to anyone willing to help me !

Little edit : would like to build XFCE desktop with some KDE app like Kmail, initially wanted KDE as GUI but all comment on other distro are that Rasp would take more then 1 h to boot which is not really an option if this is to happen.


Were you able to get a working RPi2 working? I’m having the same issue. All the images I download don’t boot.

I’m looking to deploy some lightweight clients and would love to be running Suse instead of Raspbian (which loads with no problem.)

Any help would be appreciated.



I had some severe difficulties with TW on RaspberryPi2, but finally solved it, see my comments from march 1st 2016 here:




Yesterday I did my first install on a Raspi:

The current Tumbleweed for ARM is doing pretty well on Raspi 2, running smooth, but sometimes the VNC server becomes inaccessible, via SSH a reboot helps.

On the display attached via HDMI I could not get a resolution other than 800x480, but on VNC resize is no problem (if done early during starting, otherwise the wallpaper will not resize adequately.

Besides VNC I use Firewall, I installed minicom, nano Kwriter without problems and used ttyUSB0 with a serial interface to control another raspi via console.

Is there any support besides the mailing list/IRC mentioned here:


Would be great to see this project thriving, as I would love to switch to openSuse, if e.g. motion and camera would be running stable.

Next try:

Wanted to test this here:

…followed the link, clicked on “factory” and then “Go to download repository”, bu only I get is


Object not found!

    The requested URL was not found on this server.          If you entered the URL manually please check your     spelling and try again.      

If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.
Error 404

 Sun Nov  6 17:14:13 2016

Apache/2.2.12 (Linux/SUSE)

Found something here:


…but that’s not factory, or?

You need to find your way around OBS… if you look at the build result icons it’s still doing ‘stuff’ and hasn’t published yet, so how can it find it… :wink:

In the rpmlint results see the succeeded and the icon to the left is a cog, hover over it, it says when I looked “Build job exists (delta generation: building)” so it’s not published.

If you have an OBS account you can grab the binaries direct with osc or via the web UI at;

Anyway, look here and follow factory directory for the last one;

This whole ARM / OBS thingy is a big riddle to me… sorry :expressionless:

OK, figured out the image in my last link posted is the factory (has same sha256 sum…), will go with that for the while and look how it goes…

If I understand correctly no current desktop (LXQT, XFCE, whatever) will be installable on this JeOS image, or?

Many thanks for your patience. :shame:

On Sun 06 Nov 2016 05:46:01 PM CST, suse rasputin wrote:

This whole ARM / OBS thingy is a big riddle to me… sorry :expressionless:

OK, figured out the image in my last link posted is the factory (has
same sha256 sum…), will go with that for the while and look how it

If I understand correctly no current desktop (LXQT, XFCE, whatever) will
be installable on this JeOS image, or?

Many thanks for your patience. :shame:

Have no idea what is in the repo, but if it’s built and in a repo, you
should be able to install a desktop pattern.

No arm hardware here yet.

Cheers Malcolm °¿° LFCS, SUSE Knowledge Partner (Linux Counter #276890)
openSUSE Leap 42.1|GNOME 3.16.2|4.1.34-33-default
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…big fun for small budget! You should test it :slight_smile:

I am, but getting three or four of them for a HPC Pi3’s though.

Instead of what was described above in this thread which should be disregarded…

For anyone who is interested in installing openSUSE on an ARM device, the following link is the main catalog listing for all supported ARM devices. Depending on your device, look up the board name or CPU


More specific to this thread, if you’re installing on a Raspberry Pi, you first need to identify which generation board you have… The first gen RPi, the second gen RPi2 or the third gen RPi3. Different images are generated for the SOC on each RPi.

The first gen RPi, and the newest model(as of today) RPi Zero.
The following page has a direct link to the latest stable images, which as of today includes JeOS, E20, XFCE and LXQT Desktops, includes install and modification instructions

The second gen RPI2
The following page has a direct link to the latest stable images, which as of today includes JeOS, E20, XFCE and LXQT Desktops, includes install and modification instructions

The third gen RPI3
The following page has a direct link to the latest stable images, which as of today includes JeOS, E20, XFCE and LXQT Desktops, includes install and modification instructions


Hi tsu2!

Point is: If you follow the link you posted for Raspi 2:


and then choose

Installing the upstream openSUSE Tumbleweed image

you end up on a page without any option to download any image, as discussed yesterday.

So the correct link as been posted by malcomlewis is

…and look for the raspberry pi images. However, although no factory image is currently available for Raspi 3, you will find some ARM7 images for Raspi 3 there (although dated APRIL 2016)…

Per the links download links on the pages I provided all the RPi images are versions of TW, so are the “current stable TW.”
If you’re using some other image, I don’t know that the image is “stable” as far as TW can be considered stable.

Comparing the two download links, the “port” is a newer build, but as I described does not come with different Desktops so is likely only an Alpha at best, not likely containing full openSUSE functionality.

Unless someone really does want less than the supported images, they should use the links I provided (and similarly for other ARM use the catalog/index page I referenced).


Point is: From your posted links there is no direct way to the



The link is this here:


PS: and for Raspi 3 I found this here very helpful:


On Mon 07 Nov 2016 03:46:01 PM CST, suse rasputin wrote:

PS: and for Raspi 3 I found this here very helpful:


Just an FYI if you get a Pi3, you can get SLES 12 SP2 free for a
year (Self aka forum support)…

Cheers Malcolm °¿° SUSE Knowledge Partner (Linux Counter #276890)
openSUSE Leap 42.1|GNOME 3.16.2|4.1.34-33-default
If you find this post helpful and are logged into the web interface,
please show your appreciation and click on the star below… Thanks!

Hi! Have a new Raspi 3 waiting for an OS here! :smiley: Will check that definitely!

My other Raspi 3 is doing very fine with Stefan Bruens TW linked above, built a headless wireshark machine (bridged two USB-RJ45 interfaces) for keeping an eye on some things going on in the LAN (e.g. on some Windows machines ;-)…

Currently I can’t get anything working on my Raspi 2, as the upstream kernel (JeOS) has no GUI (tried to install via zypper in -t pattern lxqt, installed 1003 packages, but after reboot never came back… tried that twice) and with the non-upstream kernel (including GUI) I have this issue with random MAC on every reboot, which breaks my network. Unfortunately I kept no copy of the TW image doing very fine on my RAID1 NAS with a Raspi 2 :frowning: