Both the Tumbleweed and Slowroll repositories have been displaying curl errors when trying to upgrade, since Friday 24 January (local time).
Below is an error from an attempt just now, to update Tumbleweed. Upgrading Slowroll also displays curl errors, one had a rather long filename ending with xml.gz, connection reset by peer.
Retrieving: kernel-firmware-qcom-20250122-1.1.noarch.rpm ............................................[error (3.6 MiB/s)]
Download (curl) error for '':
Error code: Curl error 56
Error message: Recv failure: Connection reset by peer
Abort, retry, ignore? [a/r/i/...? shows all options] (a): r
Retrieving: kernel-firmware-qcom-20250122-1.1.noarch.rpm ............................................[error (6.4 MiB/s)]
Download (curl) error for '':
Error code: Curl error 56
Error message: Recv failure: Connection reset by peer
Abort, retry, ignore? [a/r/i/...? shows all options] (a):
Retrieving: 97da9f6011100a57fb3fd77490b82ba3f7eb9b31a1de7dd76abfdebf758a11031df6d84a31d97ec16ec[error (2.2 MiB/s)]
Retrieving repository 'update' metadata ...................................................................[error]
Repository 'update' is invalid.
[update|] Failed to retrieve new repository metadata.
- Download (curl) error for '':
Error code: Curl error 56
Error message: Recv failure: Connection reset by peer
Please check if the URIs defined for this repository are pointing to a valid repository.
Warning: Skipping repository 'update' because of the above error.
Checking whether to refresh metadata for vivaldi
Checking whether to refresh metadata for vivaldi-snapshot
Some of the repositories have not been refreshed because of an error.
Such problems are either transient or due to the selected mirror problem or some problem on your location. I have updated Tumbleweed a couple of hours ago without any issues. Either wait or find some other mirror that works for you.
It was only the Update repo displaying those issues for Slowroll. I tried three different mirrors (in the U.S.) before I found one that included the Slowroll update repo.
Regarding Tumbleweed, I kept selecting (r) to retry the downloads and eventually was able to pull in all the updates.
Have the same, started probably 1 or 2 months ago on zypper dup, got tons of errors like this:
Retrieving: MozillaFirefox-134.0.2-1.1.x86_64.rpm ............................................................................................................................[error]
Download (curl) error for '':
Error code: Connection failed
Error message: Could not resolve host:
Abort, retry, ignore? [a/r/i/...? shows all options] (a):
Problem occurred during or after installation or removal of packages:
Installation has been aborted as directed.
Please see the above error message for a hint.
If I select (R)retry it downloads few more packages then errors again - very boring!!! Also errors a lot getting/updating repos info.
Happens mostly on daylight, on night can update normal. How to fix?! Very annoying!!!
Could you elaborate please? What exact steps are to change a mirror?!
Documentation at your links says:
You do not have to select a mirror yourself, as the openSUSE mirrors infrastructure uses MirrorCache, a download redirector and metalink generator.
If you use or, the server will take care of finding the fastest mirror for you. It will automatically select one of the known and active mirrors from a database and redirect the download. See the official documentation for technical details on how this works.
It means that this mechanism works wrong! Could we fix that?! There was analogous error because of wrong mirror selected 2 years ago:
You simply alter the download URL to one of a particular mirror (without load balancer/redirector like d.o.o or cdn or mirrorcache). This can be done via command line and zypper repo operations or via YaST Software Repositories. This was already explained in the old thread.
Adding a particular mirror is as easy as the following example for the OSS repo:
sudo zypper ar -f OSS
Choose a mirror link fromn the already linked mirror report site, add OSS, NON-OSS, Update repo. Disable the non working repos. Done.
There are only temp or hard workarounds. What exact steps could be? Changing repos URLs won’t work as they are managed by openSUSE service as I saw and will change URL back or restore repo on next run automatically.
This was explained already quite often in the forum. If you don’t want managed repos, simply remove the packages which provides the repo service. They are called openSUSE-repos-Tumbleweed and openSUSE-repos-Tumbleweed-NVIDIA
It is not hard to paste 3 lines into a terminal:
sudo zypper ar -f OSS
sudo zypper ar -f NON-OSS
sudo zypper ar -f UPDATE
It is no hack. This are quite basic repository operations. You can always add or remove repositories. And mirror URLs don’t change. And if, simply replace it.
These two packages provide services which add a basic set of repos. These services are ment for unexperienced users, so that they can not easily bork a repo setup (you can not alter the repo URL, delete them or bork them easily). If you want to add some custom repos or have some experience, you need to remove these packages to get rid of the services. See also here.
You still will be able to update your system when you have added a proper set of repos.
sudo zypper ar -f OSS
sudo zypper ar -f NON-OSS
sudo zypper ar -f UPDATE
Things become even worse:
> sudo zypper ar -f OSS
Adding repository 'OSS' .......................................................................................................................................................[done]
Repository 'OSS' successfully added
Enabled : Yes
GPG Check : Yes
Autorefresh : Yes
Priority : 99 (default priority)
Repository priorities are without effect. All enabled repositories share the same priority.
> sudo zypper ar -f NON-OSS
Adding repository 'NON-OSS' ...................................................................................................................................................[done]
Repository 'NON-OSS' successfully added
Enabled : Yes
GPG Check : Yes
Autorefresh : Yes
Priority : 99 (default priority)
Repository priorities are without effect. All enabled repositories share the same priority.
> sudo zypper ar -f UPDATE
Adding repository 'UPDATE' ....................................................................................................................................................[done]
Repository 'UPDATE' successfully added
Enabled : Yes
GPG Check : Yes
Autorefresh : Yes
Priority : 99 (default priority)
Repository priorities are without effect. All enabled repositories share the same priority.
> sudo zypper dup -l
Refreshing service 'NVIDIA'.
Refreshing service 'openSUSE'.
Retrieving repository 'NON-OSS' metadata .....................................................................................................................................[error]
Repository 'NON-OSS' is invalid.
[NON-OSS|] Failed to retrieve new repository metadata.
- [|] Error trying to read from ''
- Download (curl) error for '':
Error code: Connection failed
Error message: Could not resolve host:
Please check if the URIs defined for this repository are pointing to a valid repository.
Warning: Skipping repository 'NON-OSS' because of the above error.
Retrieving repository 'OSS' metadata .........................................................................................................................................[error]
Repository 'OSS' is invalid.
[OSS|] Failed to retrieve new repository metadata.
- Download (curl) error for '':
Error code: Connection failed
Error message: Could not resolve host:
Please check if the URIs defined for this repository are pointing to a valid repository.
Warning: Skipping repository 'OSS' because of the above error.
Retrieving repository 'UPDATE' metadata .......................................................................................................................................[done]
Building repository 'UPDATE' cache ............................................................................................................................................[done]
Retrieving repository 'games' metadata ........................................................................................................................................[done]
Building repository 'games' cache .............................................................................................................................................[done]
Some of the repositories have not been refreshed because of an error.
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Retrieving: lastlog2-2.40.4-2.1.x86_64 (openSUSE:Tumbleweed) (82/224), 43.5 KiB
Retrieving: lastlog2-2.40.4-2.1.x86_64.rpm ...................................................................................................................................[error]
Download (curl) error for '':
Error code: Connection failed
Error message: Could not resolve host:
Abort, retry, ignore? [a/r/i/...? shows all options] (a):
Please read carefully what was written here and in the other threads.
Mirrorcache is not using a fixed/particular mirror. So instead of adding a particular mirror, you added a load balancer/redirector which directs you to the fastest available mirror. Fastest mirror does NOT mean working mirror. There is a quit important difference.
And additionally you seem to have a totally messed up repo list…
You could start by posting your mirror list via zypper lr -d
As you don’t show the complete terminal output, nobody can tell if these messages belong to the newly added mirror or the not disabled ones. I guess these errors belong to the not disabled/removed repos.
If none of the particular mirrors work for you (test at least one of each region/country) the issue is on your provider or system side.
Not sure. Our another openSUSE Tumbleweed PC also have this problem: however happens rarely all repos and packages updated and downloaded very fast, without any delays: another PC downloads with MB/s, mine speed is KB/sec. Could be a MirrorCache problem. Or some wrong suse network/service settings? NetworkManager problem? How to diagnose?