Tumbleweeb and 64 bits system : freedink bugs


I just wanna report a bug concerning that excellent clone of Zelda, FreeDink.

Since I pass on 64 bits opensuse systems (14.n if I remember well) there were some bug in some software, and this one is include.
I actually use OpenSuse Tumbleweed and about the freedink bug, its’s when we save a game, an reload it, the error “segmentation error (Core Dumped)” appear. On Opensuse the last version is 1.08.20120427 whereas on other system (as Fedora) oit’s more advanced (as 1.09 version for instance)

I saw that the 1.08 version of 20121209 corrected that bug (Link) and I saw all new verions on this page.

I hope the update will be do soon, it’s annoying having to re ebgin the game each time from begining

Best regards.

Hi, welcome

Please file a bug at bugzilla.opensuse.org , The devs and packagers work from there, not from forums.