Trying to install uyuni on openSuse Leap 15.4 - curl error 60

I am totally new to uyuni (or servermanager) (and new to openSuSE, too) and prepared an openSuse leap 15.4 server for uyuni installation.
Following the official documentation.

During download/install of the packages I get:

Retrieving: concurrent-1.3.4-277.278.8.uyuni3.noarch.rpm …[error (2.0 KiB/s)] Download (curl) error for ‘’: Error code: Curl error 60 Error message: SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain

Where do I go from here?
Thanks for any hint.
Kind regards

I know nothing about uyuni, but I hope you understand that Leap 15.4 is End of Life and does not get any support (e.g. security updates) any more.

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Thanks for pointing this out.
Maybe this is why download does not work …
I guess I will restart with 15.6 then.
Thank you

You may try that, but it is only Beta, thus it is not sure that third party software is already available.

Why not going for 15.5?

I’m not sure where it is expecting the cert but with curl typically with cert errors on self signed etc, I’ll do something like:

echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>&1 |sed -ne ‘/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p’ > /home/user/somedir/cert.pem

Then maybe
export SSL_CERT_DIR=/home/user/somedir

This is truly horrible advice for anything where you did not know it should have a self-signed certificate, as in you set up a development environment.

What you are suggesting is completely negating the benefit that certificates give you. You should never blindly trust any public site that serves up a self-signed certificate and should never offer one. If it is, something somewhere is very wrong.

I agree generally :wink:

but you can compare the cert independently by hitting the host in a browser etc

Most likely whatever pem file curl is using on that system is old and doesn’t include the ca

possibly you could alternatively update curl with a package downloaded from the site

Yeah, you are right, 15.5 is the correct choice. Thanks

So I installed the server anew with 15.5.
Repos got correctly added I think, as I discovered how to setup network manually correctly before the actual installation happened.
After that:

zypper ref

and got

New repository or package signing key received:

  Repository:       uyuni-server-stable

which I accepted.

The I started the Uyuni installation.
After many packages got downloaded correctly I get this error:

Retrieving: concurrent-1.3.4-277.278.8.uyuni3.noarch.rpm ............................................................................................[error]
Download (curl) error for '':
Error code: Curl error 60
Error message: SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain

which looks very much the same as yesterday with 15.4.

Should I download the packages by hand and move them into local dirs?

Should I open a new thread or continue here?


curl -sIL | grep -i location




I have no problems connecting to it. OK, then show

curl -vIL

Cool, it is installing.

got me thinking… Had to give access to this site through the firewall.
Installation went through without any hickup.
I have the Network Services/Uyuni setup now
All good.

Thank you very much!!!

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