I wanted to finally give Doomsday a try, and I was up to downloading all dependencies and do the compiling way (from the website).
But then I found someone finally built it for 12.1: software.opensuse.org:
Which only has the option of one-click install.
Should I try this one-click or better do the compiling way?
Thanks for your help.
On 07/07/2012 06:46 AM, F style wrote:
> Should I try this one-click or better do the compiling way?
> Thanks for your help.
do you know and trust user “jengelh”?
do you know if he compiled and packaged the source, the whole source and
nothing but the source?
if you download the source code from a trusted place (?) and compile it
yourself can you trust that you used the source, the whole source and
nothing but the source?
Yes, you’re right! Doomsday is in the Games repository. But then, why doesn’t openSUSE Software Search list it in the results? It only lists Jengelh’s build, but shouldn’t it also list the Games repo build?
OK, installed it from Games repository. Now I have the launcher in the Games section of Applications (I’m on openSUSE 12.1 x86_64 GNOME 3.2), but when clicking it nothing happens, absolutely nothing! The only way I could start Doomsday was opening console and typing “Doomsday engine”, but it still starts as a command line program…
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/doomsday/launch-doomsday", line 6, in <module>
import snowberry
File "./snowberry.py", line 25, in <module>
import language, ui, plugins, sb.profdb
File "./ui.py", line 37, in <module>
import sys, os, wx, string
ImportError: No module named wx
Now another one appeared: there’s no music while playing. After a search I found Doomsday seemingly relies on a sound driver called FMOD, or something, but since it’s closed source is not included in openSUSE and it goes back to SDL Mixer. But anyway it tries to play music using a thing called Timidity, but I guess it’s not installed.
Am 09.07.2012 17:26, schrieb F style:
> After a
> search I found Doomsday seemingly relies on a sound driver called FMOD,
> or something, but since it’s closed source is not included in openSUSE
> and it goes back to SDL Mixer.
With that sound part I cannot help, I hope someone else has an idea.
PC: oS 12.1 x86_64 | i7-2600@3.40GHz | 16GB | KDE 4.8.4 | GeForce GT 420
ThinkPad E320: oS 12.1 x86_64 | i3@2.30GHz | 8GB | KDE 4.8.4 | HD 3000
eCAFE 800: oS 12.1 i586 | AMD Geode LX 800@500MHz | 512MB | KDE 3.5.10
timidity is a MIDI and tracker file player. Exactly what is needed, which is also why doomsday.spec has it listed as “Suggested:”. FMOD also seems to be able to do music (the “OPL-3” mechanism in zdoom for example), though is seldomly used for that. Given that timidity or libfluidsynth is often offered for rendering music (to PCM), I do not see a problem with not using FMOD for music in Doomsday.