Trying to disabable Touchpad!

i’ve tried everything on the forums for my Dell Inspiron N5030 and I can’t get my touchpad disabled. when i try to do anything in my terminal it says “can not connect to xserver” I don’t know whats up with that I need help with both problems please. Thank you in advance.

please put only one problem in each thread, and make the subject of
specific for the enclosed problem…thanks…

> i’ve tried everything on the forums for my Dell Inspiron N5030 and I
> can’t get my touchpad disabled.

interesting…what operating system and version are you using? and what
desktop environment and version are you using?

does the Dell Inspiron N5030 have a Fn keyboard combo to disable the

oh! you already have a thread going on this…and, you asked a question
there that didn’t get answered…there is NO need to go back and start
over…just go to your old thread and “bump” it…or contact
malcolmlewis directly (PM) and ask him to please answer the question to
him you poised in

> when i try to do anything in my terminal
> it says “can not connect to xserver” I don’t know whats up with that I
> need help with both problems please. Thank you in advance.

when you say “when i try to do anything in my terminal” what does that
mean? show us what you try with a screen shot like this
<> where i ‘tried’

ls -l