Trouble removing package with transactional update pkg rm rustup

zypper se rust
shows that I have rust and rustup installed via transactional-update/zypper. Something I did long ago. My bad. So how do I uninstall it? transactionalupdate pkg rm rustup fails.

NOTE! It is off course MicroOS, but I can’t see which version… but are using gnome… so hope tag microos-aeon-gnome tag is correct to use here.

mobile:~ # zypper se rust
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S | Name                       | Summary                                                                      | Type
  | arm-trusted-firmware       | Arm Trusted Firmware-A                                                       | package
  | arm-trusted-firmware-tools | Tools for ARM Trusted Firmware-A                                             | package
  | fcitx-table-ru-rustrad     | Traditional Russian table for Fcitx                                          | package
  | gcc14-rust                 | GNU Rust Compiler                                                            | package
  | i3status-rust              | Feature-rich and resource-friendly replacement for i3status, written in Rust | package
  | ibus-table-rustrad         | Rustrad input method for IBus framework                                      | package
  | Mesa-libRusticlOpenCL      | Mesa OpenCL implementation (Rusticl)                                         | package
  | p11-kit-nss-trust          | Adaptor to make NSS read the p11-kit trust store                             | package
  | p11-kit-nss-trust-32bit    | Adaptor to make NSS read the p11-kit trust store                             | package
  | perl-Pod-Coverage-TrustPod | Allow a module's pod to contain Pod::Coverage hints                          | package
  | python310-setuptools-rust  | Setuptools plugin for Rust extensions                                        | package
  | python310-trustme          | Fake CA provider for Python tests                                            | package
  | python310-truststore       | Verify certificates using OS trust stores                                    | package
  | python311-setuptools-rust  | Setuptools plugin for Rust extensions                                        | package
  | python311-trustme          | Fake CA provider for Python tests                                            | package
  | python311-truststore       | Verify certificates using OS trust stores                                    | package
  | python312-setuptools-rust  | Setuptools plugin for Rust extensions                                        | package
  | python312-trustme          | Fake CA provider for Python tests                                            | package
  | python312-truststore       | Verify certificates using OS trust stores                                    | package
  | rust                       | A systems programming language                                               | package
  | rust-bindgen               | Automatically generates Rust FFI bindings to C and C++ libraries             | package
  | rust-cbindgen              | A tool for generating C bindings from Rust code                              | package
  | rust-keylime               | Rust implementation of the keylime agent                                     | package
  | rust1.70                   | A systems programming language                                               | package
  | rust1.71                   | A systems programming language                                               | package
  | rust1.72                   | A systems programming language                                               | package
  | rust1.73                   | A systems programming language                                               | package
  | rust1.74                   | A systems programming language                                               | package
  | rust1.75                   | A systems programming language                                               | package
  | rust1.76                   | A systems programming language                                               | package
  | rust1.77                   | A systems programming language                                               | package
  | rustdesk-server            | RustDesk Server Program                                                      | package
  | rustdesk-server-hbbr       | Relay Server for Rustdesk                                                    | package
  | rustdesk-server-hbbs       | Signal Server for Rustdesk                                                   | package
  | rustdesk-server-utils      | Utilities for Rustdesk                                                       | package
  | rustscan                   | Fast network port scanner                                                    | package
  | rustup                     | A tool for managing user Rust toolchains                                     | package
  | shadowsocks-rust           | Rust port of Shadowsocks                                                     | package
  | system-user-rustdesk       | System user for rustdesk-server                                              | package
  | tree-sitter-rust           | Rust grammar for tree-sitter                                                 | package
  | uncrustify                 | Source Code Beautifier for C, C++, C#, ObjectiveC, D                         | package
mobile:~ # transactional-update pkg rm rustup
Checking for newer version.
transactional-update 4.6.0 started
Options: pkg rm rustup
Separate /var detected.
2024-04-15 20:01:12 tukit 4.6.0 started
2024-04-15 20:01:12 Options: -c174 open 
2024-04-15 20:01:14 Using snapshot 174 as base for new snapshot 175.
2024-04-15 20:01:14 /var/lib/overlay/174/etc
2024-04-15 20:01:14 Syncing /etc of previous snapshot 166 as base into new snapshot "/.snapshots/175/snapshot"
2024-04-15 20:01:14 SELinux is enabled.
ID: 175
2024-04-15 20:01:17 Transaction completed.
Calling zypper remove
2024-04-15 20:01:18 tukit 4.6.0 started
2024-04-15 20:01:18 Options: callext 175 zypper -R {} remove rustup 
2024-04-15 20:01:19 Executing `zypper -R /tmp/transactional-update-VtsgEq remove rustup`:
Reading installed packages...
'rustup' not found in package names. Trying capabilities.
No provider of 'rustup' found.
Resolving package dependencies...
Nothing to do.
2024-04-15 20:01:19 Application returned with exit status 104.
ERROR: zypper remove on /.snapshots/175/snapshot failed with exit code 104!
Removing snapshot #175...
2024-04-15 20:01:19 tukit 4.6.0 started
2024-04-15 20:01:19 Options: abort 175 
2024-04-15 20:01:20 Discarding snapshot 175.
2024-04-15 20:01:20 Transaction completed.
transactional-update finished


No, it does not show it. At least, the output you provided quite clear shows that rustup is not installed.

Now I’m confused. Does not this mean that it is finding these packages installed?

Reading installed packages...

S | Name                       | Summary                                                                      | Type
  | rust                       | A systems programming language                                               | package
  | rustup                     | A tool for managing user Rust toolchains                                     | package

No, it does not. It means that these packages are available for installation.

Did you read man zypper?

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No, I didn’t RTFM which I off course should have done (and usually do). I trusted ChatGPT! My bad. Thank you for your direction and I apologize for this mess. Please remove this post if possible.

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