touchscreen doesn't rotate, but everything esle does


My touchscreen is rotated wrong from the beginning (displays the lines from left to right instead from up to down). I rotate it in KDE with system settings and the display rotates, also the touchpad works fine/rotates, but the touchscreen is wrong: touching fro left to right moves the cursor up to down, touching from up to down moves the cursor from right to left.

This is a lenovo ideapad Duet 3
fresh install of Opensuse 15.3
uses X11, display-manager sddm

After searching I did
added to usr/share/x11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf
Option “SwapXY” “true”
in section InputClass - evdev touchscreen catchall

  • no change after reboot

added the same in etc/x11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf

  • no change after reboot

I am not sure, but it seems to me that actually evdev is not used as the driver. Searching /var/log/Xorg.0.log for “touchscreen” I find the following (hope I copied the correct…):

    32.457] (II) config/udev: Adding input device ELAN901C:00 04F3:2BD6 (/dev/input/event15)
    32.457] (**) ELAN901C:00 04F3:2BD6: Applying InputClass "evdev touchscreen catchall"
    32.457] (**) ELAN901C:00 04F3:2BD6: Applying InputClass "evdev touchscreen catchall"
    32.457] (**) ELAN901C:00 04F3:2BD6: Applying InputClass "libinput touchscreen catchall"
    32.457] (II) Using input driver 'libinput' for 'ELAN901C:00 04F3:2BD6'
    32.457] (**) ELAN901C:00 04F3:2BD6: always reports core events
    32.457] (**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/event15"
    32.457] (**) Option "_source" "server/udev"
    32.458] (II) event15 - ELAN901C:00 04F3:2BD6: is tagged by udev as: Touchscreen
    32.458] (II) event15 - ELAN901C:00 04F3:2BD6: device is a touch device
    32.458] (II) event15 - ELAN901C:00 04F3:2BD6: device removed
    32.487] (**) Option "config_info" "udev:/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:16.3/i2c_designware.1/i2c-7/i2c-ELAN901C:00/0018:04F3:2BD6.0003/input/input22/event15"
    32.487] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "ELAN901C:00 04F3:2BD6" (type: TOUCHSCREEN, id 16)
    32.487] (**) Option "AccelerationScheme" "none"
    32.487] (**) ELAN901C:00 04F3:2BD6: (accel) selected scheme none/0
    32.487] (**) ELAN901C:00 04F3:2BD6: (accel) acceleration factor: 2.000
    32.487] (**) ELAN901C:00 04F3:2BD6: (accel) acceleration threshold: 4
    32.488] (II) event15 - ELAN901C:00 04F3:2BD6: is tagged by udev as: Touchscreen
    32.488] (II) event15 - ELAN901C:00 04F3:2BD6: device is a touch device
    32.489] (II) config/udev: Adding input device ELAN901C:00 04F3:2BD6 (/dev/input/mouse2)
    32.489] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
    32.489] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
    32.489] (II) config/udev: Adding input device ELAN901C:00 04F3:2BD6 UNKNOWN (/dev/input/event16)
    32.490] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
    32.490] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
    32.490] (II) config/udev: Adding input device ELAN901C:00 04F3:2BD6 UNKNOWN (/dev/input/event17)
    32.490] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
    32.490] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
    32.491] (II) config/udev: Adding input device ELAN901C:00 04F3:2BD6 (/dev/input/event18)
    32.491] (**) ELAN901C:00 04F3:2BD6: Applying InputClass "evdev tablet catchall"
    32.491] (**) ELAN901C:00 04F3:2BD6: Applying InputClass "evdev tablet catchall"
    32.491] (**) ELAN901C:00 04F3:2BD6: Applying InputClass "libinput tablet catchall"
    32.491] (II) Using input driver 'libinput' for 'ELAN901C:00 04F3:2BD6'
    32.491] (**) ELAN901C:00 04F3:2BD6: always reports core events
    32.491] (**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/event18"
    32.491] (**) Option "_source" "server/udev"
    32.492] (II) event18 - ELAN901C:00 04F3:2BD6: is tagged by udev as: Tablet
    32.540] (II) event18 - ELAN901C:00 04F3:2BD6: tablet 'ELAN901C:00 04F3:2BD6' unknown to libwacom
    32.540] (II) event18 - ELAN901C:00 04F3:2BD6: device is a tablet
    32.540] (II) event18 - ELAN901C:00 04F3:2BD6: device removed
    32.579] (**) Option "config_info" "udev:/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:16.3/i2c_designware.1/i2c-7/i2c-ELAN901C:00/0018:04F3:2BD6.0003/input/input25/event18"
    32.579] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "ELAN901C:00 04F3:2BD6" (type: TABLET, id 17)
    32.580] (II) event18 - ELAN901C:00 04F3:2BD6: is tagged by udev as: Tablet
    32.592] (II) event18 - ELAN901C:00 04F3:2BD6: tablet 'ELAN901C:00 04F3:2BD6' unknown to libwacom
    32.592] (II) event18 - ELAN901C:00 04F3:2BD6: device is a tablet
    32.592] (II) config/udev: Adding input device ELAN901C:00 04F3:2BD6 (/dev/input/mouse3)
    32.592] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
    32.592] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
    32.593] (II) config/udev: Adding input device Ideapad extra buttons (/dev/input/event13)

Anybody knows how I can make the touchscreen rotate and work correctly?
Thanks a lot!

almost solved:

according to the output of

xinput list

my touchscreen is called ‘ELAN901C:00 04F3:2Bd6’. As it seems that there are two devices with that name I had o use the prefix “pointer:” in the following command:

xinput set-prop pointer:'ELAN901C:00 04F3:2Bd6' 'Coordinate  Transformation Matrix' 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 0 1

(there is a page that explains it good: )

to make this setting permanent I added a script “Xsetup” to


that contains the above line.
then I added in the empty file


This works, also after reboot.

There remains a little problem:

The App-Starter-Icons on the Desktop do not react on touch (they don’t get marked nor start the app).

But in one exception desktop-icon-touch works: When I first touch an open window, and after that touch an icon, it works (app starts) as it should. But only if I first touch an open window, and then it only works once, directly after touching that window.

How can I resolve this?

Hi danielbasel
I have the same laptop 10IGL5 N5030, 8GB Ram 128GB eMMC. Initially I had the same issue as you minus “the little problem”. On my machine, tipping on an icon starts the app.
Thankks to your posts here, I was able to solve - almost - all problems.

I run Leap 15.3 on it using KDE plasma. So maybe, if you switch to KDE, you might have your “little problem” solved :slight_smile:

To achieve screen being permantly rotated right I did as follows:

cat /usr/share/sddm/scripts/Xsetup
#! /bin/sh

Xsetup - run as root before the login dialog appears

#rotate screen right:
xrandr – output DSI-1 --rotate right

get touchscreen (finger touch) mapping correct

note I use the numeric ID as obtained from “xinput list | grep ELAN”, which retuns id=22

I could not use ‘ELAN901C:00 04F3:2Bd6’, as there were two with the same id string and ids 22 and 23

23 is “[slave keyboard (3)]”

xinput set-prop 22 ‘Coordinate Transformation Matrix’ 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 0 1

get the stylus orientation correct

note: does not work at boot time, as the device “ELAN901C:00 04F3:2Bd6 Pen (0)” is not listed then!

xinput set-prop 30 ‘Coordinate Transformation Matrix’ 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 0 1

The tablet is intended for my wife. She does not use the stylus (pen), however, I do, as I do some drawings on it.
The real strage thing is:

  • On login, the pen can be used, but as mentioned, its orientation is false. Thus you tap on something and the cursor jumps to a false position.
  • Logging in using finger and virtual keyboard works flawlessly however, so for that part, above script works fine
  • If I do “xinput list” “ELAN901C:00 04F3:2Bd6 Pen (0)” is NOT there, even if tapping with it on the login screen
  • If logged in, tpping on the screen with the pen mracoulously brings “ELAN901C:00 04F3:2Bd6 Pen (0)” up and “xinput list” shows it with an “id=30”.
  • If I do now the “xinput set-prop 30 ‘Coordinate Transformation Matrix’ 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 0 1” the pen works as wanted.
  • When I log out, I can tp on “OK” using the pen
  • Then the login screen reapears and the pen is wrong
    again, while finger touch works as expected. - If I log in, the pen remains wrong until I execute “xinput set-prop 30 ‘Coordinate Transformation Matrix’ 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 0 1”, but now “xinput list” shows “ELAN901C:00 04F3:2Bd6 Pen (0)”
  • => on boot, the pen is not seen: why?
  • => logging out and in makes the pen loos its set properties: why?

So my “little problem” is, how do I get the pen work correctly on login screen?

Little update
When trying to show the shiny piece to my wife, nothing worked anymore. Looking at the output of xinput list I discovered, the id numbers are changed.

new, working stuff looks like that:

cat Xsetup 
# Xsetup - run as root before the login dialog appears

#rotate screen right:
xrandr --output DSI-1 --rotate right

# get touchscreen (finger touch) mapping correct
# note I use the numeric ID as obtained from "xinput list | grep ELAN", which retuns id=22
# I could not use 'ELAN901C:00 04F3:2Bd6', as there were two with the same id string and ids 22 and 23
# 23 is "[slave keyboard (3)]"
#echo touchscreen
id=$(xinput list | grep ELAN | grep pointer | sed 's/.*id=//' | sed 's/\s.*//')
xinput set-prop $id 'Coordinate Transformation Matrix' 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 0 1

# get the stylus/pen orientation correct
# note: does not work at boot time, as the device "ELAN901C:00 04F3:2Bd6 Pen (0)" is not listed then!
echo pen
id=$(xinput list | grep ELAN | grep Pen | sed 's/.*id=//' | sed 's/\s.*//')
xinput set-prop $id 'Coordinate Transformation Matrix' 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 0 1

Sorry for the mishap

It still has some flaws. After Hibernating, all was wrong again.

So, not yet solved.