Touchpad lags after typing

i have noticed that whenever i use the keyboard then try to move the cursor around it hangs or dont respond to my swipe then i try again and it works fine.

never had a problem with it in windows before or previous openSUSE versions. any help?


dstxy wrote:
> i have noticed that whenever i use the keyboard then try to move the
> cursor around it hangs or dont respond to my swipe then i try again and
> it works fine.
> never had a problem with it in windows before or previous openSUSE
> versions. any help?

check if you have the ‘synaptiks’ utility installed and running.
It offers a feature that acts exactly like what you discribe. The purpose
is to prevent acidential cursor movements while typing, which is extremely
annoying. It depends on how you hold your hands and on the construction of
the laptop body if this is a problem for you.
If ‘synaptiks’ is the cause you can disable or reconfigure that feature in
the settings.

good luck