Toshiba L305-S5933 Problem


i have Toshiba L305-S5933 with intel vga i have removed Ubuntu 8.10 to install openSUSE 11 .
every thing was ok at first but in the final process the computer ask me to reboot the pc . i did it . a boot menu appears and i choosed openSUSE . while loading approx 5% the screen scambled , lines and words appears and i don’t know so i turned off the notebook and i tried again but the same !
so i think it is a vga problem :S !

is it unsupported by openSUSE

notice : Ubuntu was very very good and i had no problems

so plz your help

and thanks you :smiley:

What you didn’t say is if the Laptop did actually boot?
More info on your hardware would be helpful