Too Much Media

I have Opensuse 11.4
In such I have the following:
Amarok, JUK, Kaffeine, MPlayer, SMPlayer.
Under CD, have CD Player and KaCD.
Under Video have Flashstand alone, VLC and XIne

I assume that I do not need all of these, so please, which of them may I safely uninstall.

By the way don’t think I installed them, had a friend,who is a computer expert, install suse (I could not find a way to get wireless to work),and he probably gave me everything there was to hand.
Any help much appreciated.

SMplayer needs MPlayer. I dont use Kaffeine, but I keep it there. It doesn’t cost me anything. CD Player and KaCD is unnecessary when you have Amarok. VLC is excellent program, but I’d keep it with both MPlayer and SMPlayer. I dont know what is JUK.

Hope it helps.

I have Opensuse 11.4
In such I have the following:
Amarok, JUK, Kaffeine, MPlayer, SMPlayer.
Under CD, have CD Player and KaCD.
Under Video have Flashstand alone, VLC and XIne

I assume that I do not need all of these, so please, which of them may I safely uninstall.

By the way don’t think I installed them, had a friend,who is a computer expert, install suse (I could not find a way to get wireless to work),and he probably gave me everything there was to hand.
Any help much appreciated.
There are some dependencies between players as beli0135 says like smplayer being a GUI to mplayer. Having different media players allows for the support of many types of media. So, the real question is; are you running out of disk space? What problem are you trying to solve by uninstalling players that were installed automatically for you?

Thank You,

You can edit the menu , were you do not see the one you do not want to use .

Hi Emil,

Thank you for your response to my question.

Think my problem is that so used to Windows, and still getting used to a better os,try to save disk space, when there is,with Suse, no need.
Will reduce list to that you show, (by the way JuK seems to be other wise known as Jukebox, no I don’t know why.

Again my thanks, nice to know there are people out there prepared to help


Thanks for your reply to my question.

As a new convert to Linux, still got windows mentality, i.e. less you have more disk space you save.

Did not see the point of having all the different types of media if I was not going to use, and, yes, sometimes system is a bit slow in loading and operating, so thought would go thru system and maybe remove items that appear to be superfluous

Will reduce to list Emil suggest, and see if this speeds up for me.

Again thanks for your answer, as I wrote to Emil, nice to know there are people out there to help novices like me.

first, you already noticed that linux is not windows. Things runs here differently. As system is openSource, developers tend to use already written libraries, as they are tested, oprimized and most importantly: open.

Here is a quick example how it works: For example, on a clean linux, you wish to install your first multimedia player. Let’s say MPlayer. You will see that it will drag 20 MB of files, dependencies, shared libraries etc.
However, if you additionally install SMplayer, KMplayer, VLC, Xine and Kaffeine, you’d download 3 MB of additional files (mostly binaries of programs), because MPlayer installed all dependencies that other players use.
So, there is little difference if you have MPlayer only, or MPlayer, KMplayer, VLC, Xine, Amarok or whatever all together.

In Windows, story is different. As everything is closed, developers need to make their own solutions, which results in having megabytes and megabytes of files that mostly do same thing, each on its own way, with its own strengths and own bugs.

Now you understand the power of open source.

Regarding speed leilton, if your system is slow it won’t be because you have numerous media players installed (unless maybe you were trying to use them all at the same time)

The amount of ‘stuff’ you have installed won’t really affect performance unless you don’t have enough space on your drive to hold it and allow a system to run

A slow system is far more likely to be hardware related or something to do with the processes that are actually running, but the Multimedia section isn’t really the right place to investigate that, if performance really is an issue I would start a new thread for that giving detailed info about your pc’s hardware

Applications may be the best place to investigate it

I haven’t expirienced system slugishness no matter how much applications I install. It may happen if you run all of them in the same time… well, that is another story.

On 2011-05-08 11:36, leilton wrote:
> Did not see the point of having all the different types of media if I
> was not going to use, and, yes, sometimes system is a bit slow in
> loading and operating, so thought would go thru system and maybe remove
> items that appear to be superfluous

System will not be any faster for removing such programs. They are not loaded.

Why so many? Because you have the choice of what to use. You might use one
or another depending on the occasion or what you want to do.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” at Telcontar)

thanks to all of you that replied to my question.

when i think of it, was obvious that was not the media players, (think was suffering from sun).

now looking in applications as suggested, i run only suse,(did not see point of retaining windows, so no partition), but even windows was never this slow.

must say, apart from speed, how much i am enjoying the freedom you get, only problem is wife getting annoyed that i now spend so much time going through all the wonders i’ve found.

again thank you all for your help.

Before speculating what could cause the slow sesponse, you should find the culprit of it. This thread has shown clearly that applications being installed or not does not affect the speed of your system. Assuming that you have fairly modern hardware, openSUSE should run well - at least it should run faster than a Microsoft system.

The first step to find out about possible causes is watching a list of running processes when this behaviour occurs. Open a console and use this command:


[quit via ‘q’]

‘top’ lists the most cpu-hungry processes on top, so look if there is some backround process or the like that hogs the cpu. Some processes will use the processor heavily, but even those should stop at some point.

Thank you all, this thread is now closed.