i have tomcat5.5 built in suse. I cant see the out of my java servlet on the browser .
If i dont start tomcat and try to access HTTP://localhost:8080/
it(BROWSER:FIREFOX) gives me error
Once i start tomcat i dont get any error but no default pages is visible ,even my program dont display output.
I mean i get a blank screen
when i close tomcat i get a list of errors i have put up a list of screenshots of the errors hope you can help
This is just my 2 cents on the issue, your mileage may vary:
if you are running OpenSUSE 11.0 you need to install the following:
This will also install a bunch of dependencies. I did the install and it looks like Tomcat stuff is “shotgun” installed all over the place and makes a bunch of sym links to the various config, webapps, logging locations.
it looks like you don’t have a fully installed Tomcat because those errors indicate you don’t have the tomcat-juli.jar file installed. Tomcat is trying to write/cycle the log files and cannot.
Personally I never install Tomcat this way. I use the binaries from Apache Tomcat - Apache Tomcat and use the install guide links they offer.
Lots of good info there. I’ve installed a couple dozen Tomcat servers this way for work and it never fails me.
Since I don’t run 10.3, I can only make some general suggestions:
Check the admin appl install dir. It will be the $CATALINA_HOME/server/webapps
Make sure the manager dir has 775 permissions.
go to Apache Tomcat - Apache Tomcat and download the binary tar.gz file currently available and read the install info there.
install in dir of your choice.
make sure you have java/jre 1.5.0_xx version installed
Just come across the same problem, searched for a while on google, but i figured out what the problem was and couldn’t find it anywhere, so I thought I’d post it here.
I was running Azureus Vuze with the port 8080 set to accept http seed.
So there was another application that was holding up the 8080 port, that is why the Tomcat gave me a blank page. As soon as I disabled or changed the port setting in Vuze the problem was gone.