I’d like to change the size of the window decorations title bar.
I’m using Leap 42.2, with the KDE 5 desktop, and the Olympic theme.
Going to window decorations, changing the size in the lower right corner, and clicking on “apply” doesn’t do anything.
I’ve tried it with other window themes, and still no joy. I’ve confirmed that it is happening with other users of Leap 42.
I have the same KDE desktop on another computer, only with Kubuntu 16.04, and I have no trouble changing the size.
Anyone with any solutions?
In my openSUSE Leap 42.2, the lower right corner you are referring to is for border size, right?
Correct me if I’m wrong, what you are trying to achieve is changing the size of the title bar.
While you are in the window decorations, you will see the images of your themes like, breeze, plastik etc…
under the theme image of your choice, you will see a rectangular shape in the lower left corner. If you click it
you will be able to configure the title bar. Changing the button size of the title bar affects it’s size, so this maybe
the one that can help resizing the window decorations title bar.
Yep, that did the trick. I hadn’t noticed that box before. So, thank you.
Just for the principle of the thing, however, I’d still like to find out why the bar size selector won’t work.