Thunderbird not run

I am using OpenSuse 13.1 and KDE

Thunderbird does not run
If I run thunderbird in a terminal, this message appears

sergio@samSung:~> thunderbird

(process:1816): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_slice_set_config: assertion ‘sys_page_size == 0’ failed

I already excludes .thunderbid file and already reinstalled the program, but the problem continues.

Please any idea?

I remembered seeing this in the past;

Try setting G_SLICE=always-malloc and then running thunderbird.

See the result

sergio@samSung:~> G_SLICH=always-malloc
sergio@samSung:~> thunderbird

(process:2874): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_slice_set_config: assertion ‘sys_page_size == 0’ failed

On 2014-11-27 16:16, sergelli wrote:
> See the result
>> sergio@samSung:~> G_SLICH=always-malloc
>> sergio@samSung:~> thunderbird

you forgot to export it. Or do it in a single line. Also you misspelled
it, and computers do not forget a single letter error, it is fatal.

G_SLICE=always-malloc thunderbird &

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” at Telcontar)

Thanks Carlos,

But, how do I export?

See the result without misspelled

sergio@samSung:~> G_SLICE=always-malloc thunderbird &
[1] 3260
(process:3260): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_slice_set_config: assertion ‘sys_page_size == 0’ failed

and does not return to the prompt

On 2014-11-27 17:36, sergelli wrote:
> Thanks Carlos,
> But, how do I export?

It will not help, seeing the rest you posted.

> See the result without misspelled

Please remember to use code tags next time.

>> sergio@samSung:~> G_SLICE=always-malloc thunderbird &
>> [1] 3260
>> sergio@samSung:~>
>> (process:3260): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_slice_set_config: assertion
>> 'sys_page_size == 0' failed

> and does not return to the prompt

Actually, it did. Just press [enter].

Well, the G_SLICE does not work for you.

What repos are you using? Please post output of “zypper lr --details”,
inside CODE TAGS — the ‘#’ in the web editor.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” at Telcontar)

Hi Carlos, here the output from “zypper r --details”
Only for information: I install Thunderbird with the .tar file from Mozilla’s site.

sergio@samSung:~> zypper lr --details
# | Apelido                   | Nome                               | Habilitado | Atualizar | Prioridade | Tipo   | URI                                                                                   | Serviço
1 | openSUSE-13.1-1.10        | openSUSE-13.1-1.10                 | Sim        | Não       |   99       | yast2  | cd:///?devices=/dev/disk/by-id/ata-TSSTcorp_CDDVDW_TS-L633J_01y3456789_L_NOP,/dev/sr0 |        
2 | repo-debug                | openSUSE-13.1-Debug                | Não        | Sim       |   99       | NONE   |                        |        
3 | repo-debug-update         | openSUSE-13.1-Update-Debug         | Não        | Sim       |   99       | NONE   |                                       |        
4 | repo-debug-update-non-oss | openSUSE-13.1-Update-Debug-Non-Oss | Não        | Sim       |   99       | NONE   |                               |        
5 | repo-non-oss              | openSUSE-13.1-Non-Oss              | Sim        | Sim       |   99       | yast2  |                          |        
6 | repo-oss                  | openSUSE-13.1-Oss                  | Sim        | Sim       |   99       | yast2  |                              |        
7 | repo-source               | openSUSE-13.1-Source               | Não        | Sim       |   99       | NONE   |                       |        
8 | repo-update               | openSUSE-13.1-Update               | Sim        | Sim       |   99       | rpm-md |                                             |        
9 | repo-update-non-oss       | openSUSE-13.1-Update-Non-Oss       | Sim        | Sim       |   99       | rpm-md |                                     |        

Well, maybe that’s exactly your problem?

Why don’t you just try the package included in openSUSE?

What might help as well is selecting a different GTK theme. But that’s only a guess.

I have three computers. They all have Thunderbird installed in this way (without repositories). Only this notebook is with this problem.
This problem appeared when I moved from 4 to 6 desktops.
I mean that the notebook had 4 desktos and moved to 6 desktops

When I restart the computer, the Thunderbirde appears minimized, but when I click to maximize nothing happens. And if I change the desktop, Thunderbird completely disappears

The Thunderbir was configured to only appear on the desktop 4

Where can I change this setting, now that the application does not show your window?

I do not understand. What you mean about GTK?

Still I see no point in downloading it from Mozilla.
Install the package included in openSUSE and see if that works. Would be easier as well, especially if you install it on more than one system… :wink:

This problem appeared when I moved from 4 to 6 desktops.
I mean that the notebook had 4 desktos and moved to 6 desktops

When I restart the computer, the Thunderbirde appears minimized, but when I click to maximize nothing happens. And if I change the desktop, Thunderbird completely disappears

The Thunderbir was configured to only appear on the desktop 4

Ok, so maybe here lies the problem.
See below.

Where can I change this setting, now that the application does not show your window?

Well, where did you set it in the first place?

Probably it is part of a different activity?
Right-click on the taskmanager in the panel, and choose “Taskmanager Settings”, then enable “Show applications from all activities”.
Do you see Thunderbird then?

I do not understand. What you mean about GTK?

Thunderbird uses GTK2 for its GUI.
Try setting a different GTK2 theme in “Configure Desktop”->“Application Appearance”->“GTK”.

Thunderbird might have problems with the currently selected theme.

But now that you mentioned the above, I rather suspect a different problem.

On 11/27/2014 11:36 AM, sergelli wrote:
> Thanks Carlos,
> But, how do I export?

In this case it would be:


export G_SLICE=always-malloc



I did the installation of Thundbird from repositories, but also is not working. Even problem

Well, where did you set it in the first place?

Probably it is part of a different activity?

I like to separate the activities so
Desktop 1 = to use Firefox
Desktop 2 = for my work programs
Desktop 3 = to FTP
and so on
Is about that do you mean?

Right-click on the taskmanager in the panel, and choose “Taskmanager Settings”, then enable “Show applications from all activities”.
Do you see Thunderbird then?

Yes. Now ThunderBird appears, but not maximizes

Thunderbird uses GTK2 for its GUI.
Try setting a different GTK2 theme in “Configure Desktop”->“Application Appearance”->“GTK”.

Thunderbird might have problems with the currently selected theme.

But now that you mentioned the above, I rather suspect a different problem.

In the “System Settings” I hung the “effects of the desktop”, and the Thuinderbird now appeared.
But is with strange appearance. Has no buttons off, and minimize others.

and “Effects of work àrea” no longer work

Right. Your problem is not that Thunderbird does not run, you just don’t see it’s window.

I like to separate the activities so
Desktop 1 = to use Firefox
Desktop 2 = for my work programs
Desktop 3 = to FTP
and so on
Is about that do you mean?

No. Activities are independent of your virtual desktops. Each activity has in fact its own set of virtual desktops.
Click on the “3 dots” symbol on your panel to switch between activities.

Yes. Now ThunderBird appears, but not maximizes

So it was running in a different activity apparently.

In the “System Settings” I hung the “effects of the desktop”, and the Thuinderbird now appeared.

What did you really do now to have it appear?

One sentence before you said it appeared when you changed the taskmanager’s settings, now you say it appeared after you disabled desktop effects (IIUYC)?

But is with strange appearance. Has no buttons off, and minimize others.

What does that mean. I don’t understand a word.

What happens if you enable desktop effects again?

What settings did you really change?

and “Effects of work àrea” no longer work

If you disable “Desktop Effects”, it is clear that desktop effects do not work any longer, no?

ok, but now, after changed "System Sttings ">“Workspace appearance and behavior” > “General” > “DeskTop Effects”, it’s different

No. Activities are independent of your virtual desktops. Each activity has in fact its own set of virtual desktops.
Click on the “3 dots” symbol on your panel to switch between activities.
So it was running in a different activity apparently.

No. Other activities are empty. I’ve never used before.

What did you really do now to have it appear?
One sentence before you said it appeared when you changed the taskmanager’s settings, now you say it appeared after you disabled desktop effects (IIUYC)?
What does that mean. I don’t understand a word.

I disabled this:
"System Sttings ">“Workspace appearance and behavior” > “DeskTop Effects” > “General” > “Simple effect setup”
After the ThunderBirb appears, but estrange appearance, its cover all the screen, and the task manager disappear, I can turn off Thundbird only in your menu bar.

What happens if you enable desktop effects again?

If I try to able the “Simple effect setup”, appear a error message telling "Could not load 20 effects of the desktop "

What settings did you really change?

Only this:
I disable two check-box in:
"System Sttings ">“Workspace appearance and behavior” > “DeskTop Effects” > “general” > “Simple effect setup”

If you disable “Desktop Effects”, it is clear that desktop effects do not work any longer, no?

I mean: If I able the “Effects”, there was an error, so it should not have worked.

Thunderbird’s window might have been assigned to a different (maybe even non-existent) activity, that’s why it doesn’t show up.
But IIUYC now, the change in the taskmanager’s settings didn’t actually help at all, although you said so.

I disabled this:
"System Sttings ">“Workspace appearance and behavior” > “DeskTop Effects” > “General” > “Simple effect setup”
After the ThunderBirb appears, but estrange appearance, its cover all the screen, and the task manager disappear, I can turn off Thundbird only in your menu bar.

If I try to able the “Simple effect setup”, appear a error message telling "Could not load 20 effects of the desktop "

Yes seem to have a graphics driver problem then.
What graphics card/driver are you using?
What does “glxinfo | grep render” say? (you might have to install “Mesa-demo-x” first)

Only this:
I disable two check-box in:
"System Sttings ">“Workspace appearance and behavior” > “DeskTop Effects” > “general” > “Simple effect setup”

And why did you say then that the window appeared after changing the taskmanager settings? :sarcastic:

I mean: If I able the “Effects”, there was an error, so it should not have worked.

Check that you have compositing type set to “OpenGL” and Qt graphicssystem to “Raster” in “Advanced”.
If that doesn’t help (or it is not possible), you definitely have a graphics driver problem.

That’s result from glxinfo:

sergio@samSung:~> glxinfo | grep render
direct rendering: Yes
OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Mobile Intel® GM45 Express Chipset x86/MMX/SSE2
    GL_NV_conditional_render, GL_NV_depth_clamp, GL_NV_light_max_exponent, 

And why did you say then that the window appeared after changing the taskmanager settings? :sarcastic:

Sorry. My english is very limited.
I meant that the Thunderbird window reappeared. But returned with strange appearance.

Looks ok.
Have you verified the “Advanced” settings?
Also try to disable the “Blur” effect (in “All effects”), and the “Lanczos” filter (i.e. set “Scale method” to “Crisp” or “Smooth” in “Advanced”)
Those are known to cause problems with certain graphics chips and certain graphics drivers versions.

As you’re using the intel driver, try also this:

Sorry. My english is very limited.
I meant that the Thunderbird window reappeared. But returned with strange appearance.

Yes, but it actually was the change in the desktop effects settings that made it reappear, no?
Or did it reappear when you changed the task manager settings?

Try to disable desktop effects completely. Or boot to recovery mode (“Advanced Options” in the boot menu).
Does it look ok then?

Many Thanks to all for your help.
I solved the latter problem (full Screen) by opening Thunderbird in mode security and disabling all add ons, themes and plugins.

On 2014-11-28 17:56, wolfi323 wrote:
> sergelli;2679430 Wrote:
>> ok, but now, after changed "System Sttings ">“Workspace appearance and
>> behavior” > “General” > “DeskTop Effects”, it’s different
>> No. Other activities are empty. I’ve never used before.
> Thunderbird’s window might have been assigned to a different (maybe even
> non-existent) activity, that’s why it doesn’t show up.

But I use xfce, so no “activities” (I would never have guessed that).

By the way, I see the message
> “GLib-CRITICAL **: g_slice_set_config: assertion ‘sys_page_size == 0’ failed”

when starting firefox in a terminal, which despite that seems to run
just fine. So what we tried initially with that “always-malloc” useless
was useless, the error message appears innocuous.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” at Telcontar)

I was to see and seems simple and straightforward.
We (kde users) can use xfce without new installation of OpenSuse?