Thunderbird: mails are marked as read


I installed thunderbird under Suse 11.1. When I download my mails, all mails are marked as read immediately before I opened them. I’m using Thunderbird under Windows also, there the problem doesn’t exist.
Has anybody an idea?
I have activated that message will be marked as read after 99999999 seconds. This should be long enough.


AlbertMaier wrote:

> I installed thunderbird under Suse 11.1. When I download my mails, all
> mails are marked as read immediately before I opened them.

I think Thunderbird does not need you to open the e-mail for marking it as
read. When you just click (no double click) on any e-mail, the counter

> I’m using
> Thunderbird under Windows also, there the problem doesn’t exist.
> Has anybody an idea?
> I have activated that message will be marked as read after 99999999
> seconds. This should be long enough.

That doesn’t look quite normal.

Have you tried to launch Thunderbird with another user? Maybe something in
your ~/.thunderbird profile was messed up.

