'thread closed' versus 'post(s) deleted'

i absolutely agree that some semblance of civility must reign supreme

and to ensure such, moderators/staff/admin must be vigilant in taking
action against offenses and/or breaches of the published terms and

however, i’d like to throw out the idea that in some cases there MAY be
an ongoing discussion of worth in a thread when some tiny sub-thread
between two (or a few) gets out of hand, needing swift staff attention…

in those cases, might it not be better to (instead of thread closed)
delete/blank/erase only the offending post(s)…

i mean, if they are offensive/T&C breaking then should they be allowed
to continue to exist, even if in a “closed thread”??

and, the participants in the balance of the (otherwise non-offensive or
rule breaking) thread, should they be penalized for the misbehavior of
the two/few over whom they have NO control??

just a thought…to think about…

consider the possibility of some rogue corporation’s shill who might
come in with the intention of spreading FUD and being as disruptive as
possible of open software in general–s/he might hop around dropping in
politics, religion, “dirty words” or whatever–should the staff let
him/her close dozens of otherwise useful (to the community) threads?

[or course, eventually such an operative would be banned, but we all
know s/he could be back in three minutes with a new throw_away@hotmail
address and persona–AND, the threads closed using the current procedure
would continue to be “closed”…]

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315)
A Texan in Denmark


> just a thought…to think about…

A worthwhile suggestion for us to consider IMHO. To take it one step
further, you and everyone else here is a member of the community and
regulars like you (should) know what the terms & conditions are, what is
acceptable and what is not, and I, for one, would hope that even though you
don’t have moderator status, as a good community regular, would jump on
those posts with your disapproval that are blatantly against the T&C.

Imagine that…a community that polices itself. Admins/moderators/members
are all in this together.

Thanks for the suggestion.

> Imagine that…a community that polices itself. Admins/moderators/members
> are all in this together.

i hear you and readily acknowledge i’ve not yet actually read the terms
and conditions of this place (nor have i read all the long legal caveats
i had to click “Accept” in order to proceed with the install of any
version of SuSE, open or otherwise)…

but, even have not read the rules here, i do admit i broke’em, and don’t
intend to again…

on the other hand, i don’t wanna be a ‘cop’ here…instead, i’ll just
try to set a good example, from now on…

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315)
A Texan in Denmark

That works too.

I installed Open Suse 10.3 on my VAIO laptop and what I got is just half green screen on the upper part of monitor. It has a 15.4-inch WXGA wide screen TFT colour display which is capable of maximum 1280 x 800 pixels resolution powered by Intel Graphic Media Accelerator GMA X3100 graphics chipset built-in into Intel 965GM chipset mainboard sharing VRAM.:’(

Also the icon tells me that I am connected to the Wireless network, I couldnt open any webpage, got “page not found” error.

Can someone please tell me the solutions. :’(


sharmaxp ,

Can someone please tell me the solutions.

You’ll likely get better help if you post this in the right forum. Try going to http://forums.opensuse.org then selecting the LAPTOP forum under HARDWARE in the help section. Good luck.

You would be better posting in the correct section. posting in this area,especially tagging on the end of another post which is totally different,will not garner the information you require to get a suitable answer. Please post in the correct section


eep! beaten by the Boss :smiley:


> beaten by the Boss

Boss? Where? I don’t see any boss. I’m certainly not anyone’s boss!

I see we think alike here: “Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.
Teach him how to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.”…or he will spend
every weekend fishing…

On Tue, 19 Aug 2008 19:51:40 +0000, kgroneman wrote:

> I’m certainly not anyone’s boss!

Once upon a time, Groneman, you were my boss. Now that’s a scary
thought. Fortunately TPTB saw fit to rectify that situation in a
hurry. :wink:


the good news is you installed 10.3 (and not 11.0 with KDE4)…

the bad news is you posted as a REPLY to an old thread whose title
has NOTHING to do with video OR laptop computers…and it is unlikely
you will attract many laptop/video gurus to help you here

let me suggest you join the hardware forum
<http://forums.opensuse.org/hardware/> and post a NEW THREAD (look
for the “New Thread” button on that page, click it and write) using a
subject line kinda like “Half green screen on VAIO with 10.3?”

good luck, and welcome…OH, just for grins before you post again
you might wanna try the SEARCH function…look to the top of the
page, click on Search…then on the search page type VAIO in the
“Search by Key Words” blank, spin the selector just below to “Search
Titles Only” and then click “Search Now” you just might find an
answer you can use…

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315) via NNTP, Thunderbird, KDE
3.5.7, SUSE Linux 10.3, #1 SMP i686 athlon

dang darn ¤%#£ it…replied before the FIRST half cup of coffee was
down…FAILED to notice he had several VERY good answers
already…when i noticed, i RAN to the web forum to try to hide my
mistake…out of breath i found it was too late, the edit button was

sorry for the wasted bits!!

i’ll try to do better…or main-line my caffeine BEFORE starting my
morning opensuse.org.* “workout”…

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315) via NNTP, Thunderbird, KDE
3.5.7, SUSE Linux 10.3, #1 SMP i686 athlon

Jim Henderson,

> Groneman, you were my boss.

Manager & Boss aren’t the same thing. I was never your boss.

On Wed, 20 Aug 2008 15:45:53 +0000, kgroneman wrote:

> Jim Henderson,
>> Groneman, you were my boss.
> Manager & Boss aren’t the same thing. I was never your boss.

Now I wish I’d know that at the time. :wink:


> Manager & Boss aren’t the same thing.

and, a Leader is, imho, superior to either.

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315) via NNTP, Thunderbird, KDE
3.5.7, SUSE Linux 10.3, #1 SMP i686 athlon

On Thu, 21 Aug 2008 05:32:50 +0000, DenverD wrote:

>> Manager & Boss aren’t the same thing.
> and, a Leader is, imho, superior to either.

Depends on the definition of “leader”. I worked for a guy once who was a
“leader”, but he took it in a militaristic sense rather than a business
sense. That didn’t work out so well (though he undoubtedly thinks it
did, since he managed to get promoted).

I prefer someone who sets a direction, gets out of the way, and lets me
get the work done; if I have problems, I’ll work with them to remove the
obstacles. Worst of all is when the manager becomes an obstacle. Second
worst is when I have a problem and they don’t help remove the obstacle
that’s in the way.


Jim Henderson,

>> and, a Leader is, imho, superior to either.
> Depends on the definition of “leader”.

It also depends on the employee. Most people that have worked for me are
don’t need a boss nor a manager nor someone to lead. They need someone to
help them overcome and/or push obstacles out of the way and help take care
of administrative tasks so they can get the core work done they need to do.
In that case I’m like the guy at the end of the parade with the shovel
which is the best scenario IMHO. OTOH, I have had a couple of employees
that needed a little more intervention and coaching on my part to ensure
the job got done. As things worked out, those employees have “moved on”
which is a good thing.

On Mon, 25 Aug 2008 16:08:00 +0000, kgroneman wrote:

> They need someone to
> help them overcome and/or push obstacles out of the way and help take
> care of administrative tasks so they can get the core work done they
> need to do.

This is my definition of a good manager/boss. :slight_smile:

And by that measure, you were an outstanding manager for me. :slight_smile:


Jim Henderson,

> you were an outstanding manager for me.

You used to work for me? Must have missed that… [gd&r]

On Mon, 25 Aug 2008 19:57:28 +0000, kgroneman wrote:

> Jim Henderson,
>> you were an outstanding manager for me.
> You used to work for me? Must have missed that… [gd&r]

I suppose you were so traumatized that you’ve forgotten? :wink:
