The Wi-Fi is 802.11a/b/g/draft-n Broadcom 4322AG Wi-Fi Adap

Using opensuse 11.1

I think i need the following driver from broadcom.

Broadcom Corporation - Broadcom 802.11 Linux STA driver

This following website shows how we should install on hp dv4 laptop which I have.

Translated version of

One step I have to do in building a driver is
make-C / lib / modules / uname -r/ build M
= pwd

But I am getting error saying makefile does not exist. So I believe there should be a makefile under /lib/modules/uname-r/build directory but there is none.

Am I doing someting wrong or missing makefile. Help.

lopax wrote:
> One step I have to do in building a driver is
> make-C / lib / modules / uname -r/ build M
> = pwd
> But I am getting error saying makefile does not exist. So I believe
> there should be a makefile under /lib/modules/uname-r/build directory
> but there is none.
> Am I doing someting wrong or missing makefile. Help.

I think you do not have the kernel header package installed.

If you want to avoid building the driver, add the PackMan repository
and install the broadcom-wl package.


Thanks for the quick response.
Is there a way to add packman reposotory without the internet connection. My wireless and wired connection is not working on suse box. All the information I see on installing packaman uses ftp or http connection.

lopax wrote:
> Thanks for the quick response.
> Is there a way to add packman reposotory without the internet
> connection. My wireless and wired connection is not working on suse box.
> All the information I see on installing packaman uses ftp or http
> connection.
> Thanks.

Not really. Do you have a place to plug in the wired connection? If
so, then we should try to get that working.


Thanks. I was able to use packman through wired connection. It downloaded lots of stuffs for about 15 minutes. At the end I got the following errors.

installation was partially successful.

folowing package could not be installed.
. broadcom-wl-kmp-bigsmp
. broadcom-wl-kmp-xenpae

Any help would be appreciated.

lopax wrote:
> lwfinger;1924349 Wrote:
>> lopax wrote:
>>> Thanks for the quick response.
>>> Is there a way to add packman reposotory without the internet
>>> connection. My wireless and wired connection is not working on suse
>> box.
>>> All the information I see on installing packaman uses ftp or http
>>> connection.
>>> Thanks.
>> Not really. Do you have a place to plug in the wired connection? If
>> so, then we should try to get that working.
>> Larry
> Thanks. I was able to use packman through wired connection. It
> downloaded lots of stuffs for about 15 minutes. At the end I got the
> following errors.
> installation was partially successful.
> folowing package could not be installed.
> . broadcom-wl-kmp-bigsmp
> . broadcom-wl-kmp-xenpae

What kernel are you running? Use the ‘uname -r’ command for that
information. I doubt if you are running the bigsmp or the xenpae
versions, thus you can ignore the message.

To run it, you need to

sudo modprobe ieee80211_crypt_tkip
sudo modprobe wl


Appreciate your quick response. My kernel is 9 -default, I have not done anything with the kernel, straight from opensuse 11.1 DVD.
I understand that modprobe is just adding those two modules, iee… and wl. My question is why the installation did not add it itself. Why do I have to run commands from terminal.

How do i know what to add, in this case, ieee80211_crypt_tkip

Is it how everything works in linux world, meaning after every driver install i have to run something from command line.


lopax wrote:
> Appreciate your quick response. My kernel is 9 -default, I
> have not done anything with the kernel, straight from opensuse 11.1 DVD.
> I understand that modprobe is just adding those two modules, iee… and
> wl. My question is why the installation did not add it itself. Why do I
> have to run commands from terminal.
> How do i know what to add, in this case, ieee80211_crypt_tkip
> Is it how everything works in linux world, meaning after every driver
> install i have to run something from command line.

No, but in this case those modules are outside the kernel. In
addition, Broadcom has done the integration badly.

Once you verify that the driver works, we can tell you how to do it


Ok I ran the following command

  1. su - root
  2. sudo modprobe ieee80211_crypt_tkip
  3. sudo modprobe wl

No errors or confirmation on command 2 and 3.

After this I still saw network icon disable meaning no network connection.
I rebooted the box and still no connection.

When I did dmesg, i saw the following

topdog@linux-adeu:~/Desktop> dmesg |grep wl
ACPI: DMI detected: Hewlett-Packard
wl: module license ‘unspecified’ taints kernel.
wl 0000:03:00.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 18 (level, low) -> IRQ 18
wl 0000:03:00.0: setting latency timer to 64

Hopefully this means something to you.
Thanks for any response.

In post #2, you said “I think you do not have the kernel header package installed.”.
I am starting to think I should compile. How do I install kernel header package. I know I said in post one, one guy had it working on the hp laptop with same wireless card. We can try both ways, whatever you answer in post#9 and compile. I am getting little anxious and interested, kinda challenging.

lopax wrote:
> Larry,
> In post #2, you said “I think you do not have the kernel header package
> installed.”.
> I am starting to think I should compile. How do I install kernel header
> package. I know I said in post one, one guy had it working on the hp
> laptop with same wireless card. We can try both ways, whatever you
> answer in post#9 and compile. I am getting little anxious and
> interested, kinda challenging.

The kernel header package is in the repository. Use YaST just like any
other package. When I use the word package, that is what I mean.

BTW, if you really needed to recompile the hybrid driver, the modprobe
statement would have resulted in an error.

Rebooting just undid whatever you had to do with the modprobe. I
thought I made that clear before.

You need to go to
and read what you see there.


Hi Larry,
That is the exact README I followed and I could not compile. Thats why I posted my problem here in this forums.
So I guess when you reboot, only the drivers that in on the kernel gets loaded up. Then you still have to run those two modprobe command to run driver for wireless network. Is that correct. If the driver would have worked, would I have seen the wireless network found message at the bottom as we see in windows OS. In other word, how can I verify the driver is working. I really appreaciate all your answers.

I was talking about the things you need to do AFTER the build and
install step, which you can skip because you have obtained the driver
from the repo.

After you boot, issue the command ‘dmesg | grep b43’. If that command
produces any output, you need to issue the command ‘sudo
/sbin/modprobe -rv b43’ to unload b43. If there is no output, you are OK.

You then need to do the following:

sudo /sbin/modprobe -v ieee80211_crypt_tkip
sudo /sbin/modprobe -v wl

Each of then should produce a load message, but no errors.

The next step is to verify that the device can scan. Do the following

sudo /usr/sbin/iwlist scan

This should show your AP. If it does, the next step is to use the
KNetworkManager applet in the right-hand corner of the screen - lower
for KDE and upper for Gnome. If this is not seen, you need to use YaST
to turn on NetworkManager control.


Thank you very much for Larry for all your support.

  1. I did not recompile
  2. All I did was ran those two modprode command. Yesterday it did not work.
  3. Today I hooked up the wired connection and right click on the network icon at the bottom, it showed me wireless connection to choose from. I chose mine and enter parapharase and bam i am connected.
  4. I unhooked my wired connection and rebotted and it asked for password for default keyring and entered and I have wireless conmnection again.

Only question remains is do i have to enter password for default keyring everytime. I should be able to find that out but if you have time to answer i would appreciate.

Again thank you very much for all your support Larry.
I am one happy suse customer today.

If you put your ESSID and encryption details in the file
/etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-wlan0, then it won’t ask you for your
keyring password.

No, I will not tell you how to do that. Start with ‘man ifconfig’ and
you will see what is needed.


it’s me again. I had to reinstall OS again, but i tried same fix but didnt work. here are the errors.
linux-bhhn:~ # modprobe ieee80211_crypt_tkip
linux-bhhn:~ # modprobe wl
FATAL: Error inserting wl (/lib/modules/ Invalid module format
linux-bhhn:~ #

linux-bhhn:~ # dmesg |grep b43
linux-bhhn:~ # dmesg |grep wl
ACPI: DMI detected: Hewlett-Packard
wl: disagrees about version of symbol struct_module
wl: disagrees about version of symbol struct_module
linux-bhhn:~ #

please help

lopax wrote:
> lwfinger;1924830 Wrote:
>> If you put your ESSID and encryption details in the file
>> /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-wlan0, then it won’t ask you for your
>> keyring password.
>> No, I will not tell you how to do that. Start with ‘man ifconfig’ and
>> you will see what is needed.
>> Larry
> it’s me again. I had to reinstall OS again, but i tried same fix but
> didnt work. here are the errors.
> linux-bhhn:~ # modprobe ieee80211_crypt_tkip
> linux-bhhn:~ # modprobe wl
> FATAL: Error inserting wl
> (/lib/modules/ Invalid
> module format
> linux-bhhn:~ #
> linux-bhhn:~ # dmesg |grep b43
> linux-bhhn:~ # dmesg |grep wl
> ACPI: DMI detected: Hewlett-Packard
> wl: disagrees about version of symbol struct_module
> wl: disagrees about version of symbol struct_module
> linux-bhhn:~ #

This is a standard “out-of-kernel” driver problem. You must recompile
the driver EVERY time you change the kernel.

If this driver came from the Packman repo, then there is an error there.


Hi Larry,
Always appreciate your quick response. I followed the same procedure last week and it did work for me, downloading driver straight from packman. I guess something must have changed in packman site.
Is there another workaround. Is there any other website like packman. How can I resolve this error.


lopax wrote:
> Hi Larry,
> Always appreciate your quick response. I followed the same procedure
> last week and it did work for me, downloading driver straight from
> packman. I guess something must have changed in packman site.
> Is there another workaround. Is there any other website like packman.
> How can I resolve this error.

Your other option is to get the driver from Broadcom and compile it


Thanks. It is working perfectly after the compilation. The problem now is it does not start automatically after the reboot. I have to “insmod wl” after the boot then it recocnizes the wireless connection. I would like to put this on some runlevel boot script like in /etc/init.d/* but don’t know what to call it and where to place it.

What would be the best place to put this startup file unless there is another better way to start wl automatically after the boot.