The Version-Mania

For some time, also in the open source community of Linux you can watch a frightening development. One Version hunts the next Version and so on.

Now Linux has with openSUSE a very good standing worldwide and gets more and more etablished and acknowledged, I have the feeling that in an encouraging manner the developers are running one version after the other. I don’t think that this helps to develop or to integrate Linus as a standard OS.

So my question for the whole community, and especially for the amazing developers is, why they just don’t take more time to develop a next version? It is nonsense to go from Version 11.0 to 11.1 and so on. Until we reach openSUSE 12.0. Patches and little Updates have to be developed and to integrated to the existing Linux-Platforms, but has it always to be a next version? I just can’t get it.

I am not a programmer, a developer or anything else. And I can insure you that I have less know-how about Linux compared with 99% of this community. But my hope is, that the experts here consider my thoughts. It would be more effective if a little team would work on patches and updates while the “main”-squad works on the new Linux in a multi-annual developing time.

Best Regards,


In my opinion it doesnt matter if its 11.1 or 12.0 its just “the next” step to perfection.
Im not a programes but my friend told me how it works. U could read this Software versioning

I wouldnt like it to see a step from 11 to 12 in a couple of months. It just seams like rushing and leads to big numbers. It needs to grow slowly on you :wink:

I think it’s partly just a question of which packages are bundled
together - after a few months, the number of updates to apply to a new
installation gets to be a bit much - so bundling the latest versions
together and doing a minor rev bump makes sense. Keeps people from
having to download, for example, a new version of OpenOffice in addition
to the one that’s included on the DVD they installed from.

I’d also have to say it’s probably part of an ongoing test cycle as well

  • setting milestones that are, say, 6 months apart gives developers
    something to shoot for as a public release of a group of packages that
    are known to generally behave well together.


Many good points Jim, & as someone that used to use PCLOS the idea of

after a few months, the number of updates to apply to a new
installation gets to be a bit much - so bundling the latest versions
together and doing a minor rev bump makes sense.

Does just that, make sense. PCLOS is a rolling distro meaning that the updates do pile up & a new install…well it’s just better to do a new version.
Also on a 6 month cycle changes can be instituted at a slower pace, where they can be tweaked & people can adapt at a speed in which they’re comfortable.
Ubu learned how to do this(even helped write the book). I’m looking forward to seeing Opensuse/Novell do this.
Yes versioning can get maddening,but IMHO its benefits outweigh its detriments.

On Fri, 24 Oct 2008 03:56:02 +0000, Sagemta wrote:

> Many good points Jim, & as someone that used to use PCLOS the idea of>
> after a few months, the number of updates to apply to a new
>> installation gets to be a bit much - so bundling the latest versions
>> together and doing a minor rev bump makes sense.
> Does just that, make sense. PCLOS is a rolling distro meaning that the
> updates do pile up & a new install…well it’s just better to do a new
> version.
> Also on a 6 month cycle changes can be instituted at a slower pace,
> where they can be tweaked & people can adapt at a speed in which they’re
> comfortable.
> Ubu learned how to do this(even helped write the book). I’m looking
> forward to seeing Opensuse/Novell do this. Yes versioning can get
> maddening,but IMHO its benefits outweigh its detriments.

I think one of the big advantages introduced in 11 is the ability to
upgrade in-place using “zypper dup”. I’m going to be very interested to
see how this works in reality when 11.1 comes out.


> I am not a programmer, a developer or anything else. And I can insure

In reality there are far more versions than you see.
In between package releases there can be many many version of an individual