The new way to watch TV in your browser

This thread is for everyone who tryed to get work on openSUSE progams like zatoo…First problem is the bad support of openSUSE, 64-bit processors and the other problems of linux users…

Now…(this x-mas to be serious) we have a new way to watch TV without any kind of Installation…it just works out of your Firefoxbrowser!

Just try it on Wilmaa and have a lot of fun!!!:wink:

your Caleb_IX

  • Caleb IX,

available in Switzerland only.
IMHO it would better fit into the chat forum, since it doesn’t help with any Linux application.


Yes at first i thinked to post it in the chat forum…but i think it is a little revoloution to watch TV in a browser…for a lot of linuxusers this is the only way to watch to watch TV…because there is no support

About your problem with your IP…there are ways to set the IP of your system “on Switzerland”…if someone knows how…please post it here…:wink:

Tthere are ways to make your own little private public network… Most people doing this remind me a lot of Tim in Tooltime (Home Improvement)…

Maybe you can find a buddy in Switzerland that will proxy for us? rotfl!


Lots of TV shows on a new web site a freind turned me on to.

Hulu - Watch your favorites. Anytime. For free. have fun. :slight_smile:

Sorry… Rest assure… It’s not you. Nobody seems to get my sense of humor. :wink:

No problem…:wink:

I try to get wilmaa work on my opensuse 11.2. Using firefox, flash plugin is installed (all flash apps work) but in wilmaa there is only the advertisement-spot showed, after that the wilmaa-windows remains blank. what could that be? i’m located in switzerland and using a bluewin internet-access. on windows it works without problems.

thank you for your ideas!