I put together the following screen shots of installing openSUSE from a liveCD in Text Mode. This is mostly useful for users whose PCs do not have enough memory to use the Graphic Install.
If you do NOT like the YaST proposal, then select “Edit Partition Setup” and then navigate in the subsequent menu to expand your partitions. Take a good look at what is there, and choose “rescan” to have the YaST proposal removed so you can replace with your own proposal. Use the area on the left to create/edit partitions … http://thumbnails23.imagebam.com/7596/0390ab75952524.gif](http://www.imagebam.com/image/0390ab75952524)
and then when done, accept the changes and carry on.
After partitioning is done choose your user name: http://thumbnails.imagebam.com/7596/2692d275952528.gif](http://www.imagebam.com/image/2692d275952528)
… in the above example I decided I wanted root to have a separate password from user “oldcpu” and I choose not to have an auto login and not to receive system mail. In truth I probably would normally want user “oldcpu” to receive system mail.
In this example, since I selected to have separate user and root passwords, after entering the regular user password, a new “popup” window will appear asking for the desired root password to be provided.