I’ve installed the texlive package, but it can’t find the Latex packages.
Command used:
pdflatex test.tex
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.141592653-2.6-1.40.24 (TeX Live 2022/TeX Live for SUSE Linux) (preloaded format=pdflatex 2022.5.3) 3 MAY 2022 14:22
entering extended mode
restricted \write18 enabled.
%&-line parsing enabled.
LaTeX2e <2021-11-15> patch level 1
L3 programming layer <2022-02-24>
! LaTeX Error: File `article.cls' not found.
Type X to quit or <RETURN> to proceed,
or enter new name. (Default extension: cls)
Enter file name:
! LaTeX Error: File `l3backend-pdftex.def' not found.
Type X to quit or <RETURN> to proceed,
or enter new name. (Default extension: def)
Enter file name:
\openout1 = `test.aux'.
LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OML/cmm/m/it on input line 3.
LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 3.
LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OMS/cmsy/m/n on input line 3.
LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 3.
LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OT1/cmr/m/n on input line 3.
LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 3.
LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for T1/cmr/m/n on input line 3.
LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 3.
LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for TS1/cmr/m/n on input line 3.
LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 3.
LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OMX/cmex/m/n on input line 3.
LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 3.
LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for U/cmr/m/n on input line 3.
LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 3.
! LaTeX Error: The font size command
ormalsize is not defined:
there is probably something wrong with the class file.
See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type H <return> for immediate help.
l.3 \begin{document}
! LaTeX Error: The font size command
ormalsize is not defined:
there is probably something wrong with the class file.
See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type H <return> for immediate help.
l.5 \end{document}
[1{/var/lib/texmf/fonts/map/pdftex/updmap/pdftex.map}] (./test.aux) )
Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
54 strings out of 479305
1053 string characters out of 5872608
286986 words of memory out of 5000000
18189 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+600000
469259 words of font info for 28 fonts, out of 8000000 for 9000
475 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191
28i,5n,29p,92b,76s stack positions out of 10000i,1000n,20000p,200000b,200000s
!pdfTeX error: pdflatex (file cmr10.pfb): cannot open Type 1 font file for read
==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!
NAME="openSUSE Tumbleweed"
# VERSION="20220501"
ID_LIKE="opensuse suse"
PRETTY_NAME="openSUSE Tumbleweed"
There is no such package. What exactly did you install?
sudo zypper install texlive
Ah, sorry. This should install textlive-latex which provides this file:
bor@tw:~> zypper --no-refresh se --provides 'tex(article.cls)'
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
S | Name | Summary | Type
| texlive-latex | A TeX macro package that defines LaTeX | package
Note: For an extended search including not yet activated remote resources
please use 'zypper search-packages'.
File should be in /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/base/article.cls
zypper --no-refresh se --provides 'tex(article.cls)'
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
S | Name | Summary | Type
i | texlive-latex | A TeX macro package that defines LaTeX | package
ls /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/base/
alltt.sty fix-cm.sty lcyenc.dfu omslcmsy.fd size11.clo tracefnt.sty
ansinew.def fixltx2e.sty leqno.clo omxcmex.fd size12.clo ts1cmr.fd
applemac.def flafter.sty leqno.sty omxlcmex.fd slides.cls ts1cmss.fd
**article.cls ** fleqn.clo letter.cls openbib.sty slides.def ts1cmtt.fd
article.sty fleqn.sty letter.sty ot1cmdh.fd slides.sty ts1cmvtt.fd
ascii.def fltrace.sty lppl.tex ot1cmfib.fd small2e.tex ts1enc.def
atbegshi-ltx.sty fontenc.sty ltluatex.lua ot1cmfr.fd source2edoc.cls ts1enc.dfu
atveryend-ltx.sty fontmath.cfg ltluatex.tex ot1cmr.fd structuredlog.sty tuenc.def
bezier.sty fontmath.ltx ltnews.cls ot1cmss.fd syntonly.sty tulmdh.fd
bk10.clo fonttext.cfg ltxcheck.tex ot1cmtt.fd t1cmdh.fd tulmr.fd
bk11.clo fonttext.ltx ltxdoc.cls ot1cmvtt.fd t1cmfib.fd tulmss.fd
bk12.clo graphpap.sty ltxguide.cls ot1enc.def t1cmfr.fd tulmssq.fd
book.cls hyphen.ltx ly1enc.dfu ot1enc.dfu t1cmr.fd tulmtt.fd
book.sty idx.tex macce.def ot1lcmss.fd t1cmss.fd tulmvtt.fd
cp1250.def ifthen.sty makeidx.sty ot1lcmtt.fd t1cmtt.fd ucmr.fd
cp1252.def inputenc.sty minimal.cls ot2enc.dfu t1cmvtt.fd ucmss.fd
cp1257.def lablst.tex newlfont.sty ot4enc.def t1enc.def ucmtt.fd
cp437de.def latex209.def next.def preload.cfg t1enc.dfu ulasy.fd
cp437.def latex.ltx nfssfont.tex preload.ltx t1enc.sty ullasy.fd
cp850.def latexrelease.sty oldlfont.sty proc.cls t1lcmss.fd utf8-2018.def
cp852.def latexsym.sty omlcmm.fd proc.sty t1lcmtt.fd utf8.def
cp858.def latin10.def omlcmr.fd report.cls t2aenc.dfu utf8enc.dfu
cp865.def latin1.def omlenc.def report.sty t2benc.dfu x2enc.dfu
decmulti.def latin2.def omllcmm.fd sample2e.tex t2cenc.dfu
docstrip.tex latin3.def omscmr.fd sfonts.def testpage.tex
doc.sty latin4.def omscmsy.fd shortvrb.sty texsys.cfg
doc-v3beta.sty latin5.def omsenc.def showidx.sty textcomp-2018-08-11.sty
exscale.sty latin9.def omsenc.dfu size10.clo textcomp.sty
it’s marked as installed, and the file exists.
And where pdflatex comes from? Which package?
Comes from package texlive-pdftex, I don’t have any other tex binaries in my machine.
command -v pdftex
rpm -qf $(command -v pdftex)
I cannot reproduce it:
bor@tw:~/t> pdflatex test.tex This is pdfTeX, Version 3.141592653-2.6-1.40.24 (TeX Live 2022/TeX Live for SUSE Linux) (preloaded format=pdflatex)
restricted \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2021-11-15> patch level 1
L3 programming layer <2022-02-24> (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/base/article.cls
Document Class: article 2021/10/04 v1.4n Standard LaTeX document class
No file test.aux.
[1{/var/lib/texmf/fonts/map/pdftex/updmap/pdftex.map}] (./test.aux) )</usr/shar
Output written on test.pdf (1 page, 10594 bytes).
Transcript written on test.log.
bor@tw:~/t> cat test.tex
I did not install everything:
sudo zypper in --no-recommends texlive
Rather than trying to install TeXLive, install a program like Kile or Lyx and you will get a reasonable selection of the LaTeX packages you need. If you examine these packages, you will find that some are patterns which install a group of files; for example, texlive-collection-basic installs the basic files you need, texlive-collection-langgreek installs all the files you need to use Greek and so on.