tetex-latex is needed by ,....

Hello everyone,
I would like to install tetex-latex but I cannot find this package anywhere.

error: Failed dependencies:
tetex-latex is needed by R-devel-2.11.1-4s11x.x86_64

Could you please help me locate a rpm package for opensuse 11.3?

Best Regards

What happens if you just insall latex - it should give the tetex packages as well.
If this doesn’t work, try searching for it here:
software.opensuse.org: Search Results

Thanks… latex is already installed.
also searched on the link you provided to me but so far did not find any result

That looks like an obsolete dependency. openSUSE switched to the texlive family of packages some time ago. Ask the R-devel packager about this.


rpm -qf which latex

and you will see that it comes from texlive-latex.

alaios wrote:

> whych;2205799 Wrote:
>> What happens if you just insall latex - it should give the tetex
>> packages as well.
>> If this doesn’t work, try searching for it here:
>> ‘software.opensuse.org: Search Results’
>> (http://software.opensuse.org/search)
> Thanks… latex is already installed.
> also searched on the link you provided to me but so far did not find
> any result
Where do have this package from and with which opensuse version, I use R
from education repository on 11.3 a have no such issue?

Martin Helm wrote:

> Where do have this package from and with which opensuse version, I use R
> from education repository on 11.3 a have no such issue?
Sorry mixed two things:

On 11.2 I use the one from education without problems, on my 11.3 machine I
have the one from devel:languages:R:base without problems.

Hope that helps.

tetex was officially discontinued in 2006; see teTeX - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia That was why openSUSE switched to texlive.