telnet configuration

I am trying to use telnet. but connection refused ,port 22 error occure. is ter any configuration needed in suse?

nealiza wrote:

> hi
> I am trying to use telnet. but connection refused ,port 22 error
> occure. is ter any configuration needed in suse?
Port 22 is ssh (and if you want to use it you need to unblock it in the suse

Why do you want to use telnet it is very unsecure?

nealiza wrote:
> I am trying to use telnet. but connection refused ,port 22 error
> occure. is ter any configuration needed in suse?

i don’t remember doing anything to set it up on my box…

you know the default port is 23, not 22…

were you told to specify 22?

what is the exact command you are using?


Actually i need to teach the telnet I Extreamly need ur help.i just typed telnet host ipaddress? is it a right way to invoke telnet?

nealiza wrote:
> i just typed telnet host ipaddress? is it a right way to invoke
> telnet?

your linux is born with a full set of manuals, called “man” in a
terminal (do you know what a terminal is?) type:

man telnet

where you will see the full format and all the special conditions and
switches…but, barring special needs (like non-standard port in use)
just this should work:

telnet [address]

where address could be (for example) or (both are the same place, try either

(be patient, it is all automatic but is VERY slow to progress)

both of those will default connect with port 23, or you can specify
another port (and a completely different experience) like this:

telnet 666
telnet 666

which will give you insight into the === The BOFH Excuse Server ===
which will make up an excuse for you!

Have a lot of fun, and learn to use the manual (which will allow the
fun to come more quickly)…

more questions? come back…


Actually my prob is when typeing telnet ipaddress , conection refused error occure
so shd i do any configuration for telnet?I extremely thankful for or help

nealiza wrote:
> hi
> Actually my prob is when typeing telnet ipaddress , conection refused
> error occure
> so shd i do any configuration for telnet?I extremely thankful for or
> help

as mentioned earlier: openSUSE is born with telnet configured…which
openSUSE are you using?

it could be that you are typing correctly but the machine you telnet
to refuses the connection…(there are millions of machines on the net
which will refuse all telnet connection attempts)

you do know, don’t you, that the machine does NOT have to let you in…

do you have an ID and password for the machine?
does the machine owner expect you to log in?
do they want you to log in? (maybe they block everyone, or maybe just
block you)

what address are you trying to connect to (if you have one, do NOT
give your login ID/password)…JUST the address you are attempting to
connect to…


i think version 7(i dontknow how to check , vi editor has the verson 7) i trying telnet in our computer lab.

nealiza wrote:
> i think version 7(i dontknow how to check , vi editor has the verson 7)
> i trying telnet in our computer lab.

openSUSE never had a version 7, the first was 10.0…

you can learn your openSUSE version number in a terminal by entering:

cat /etc/issue

since in a computer lab,for your telnet problem try these, in order:

  1. in a terminal: man telnet
  2. consult your course text
  3. ask your instructor


On 03/09/2010 05:56 AM, palladium wrote:
> nealiza wrote:
>> i think version 7(i dontknow how to check , vi editor has the verson 7)
>> i trying telnet in our computer lab.
> openSUSE never had a version 7, the first was 10.0…
> you can learn your openSUSE version number in a terminal by entering:
> cat /etc/issue
> since in a computer lab,for your telnet problem try these, in order:
> 1. in a terminal: man telnet
> 2. consult your course text
> 3. ask your instructor

For security reasons, I believe telnet is disabled. You should be able to
accomplish the same thing by using “ssh”, which is more secure as it doesn’t
send passwords in the clear.

tnanx . i got the version . its 11
. for consulting the instructor… I am that person. any way i had to configure telnet…I know how to use ssh and its working i have to teach telnet…
is ther any command to check whether telnet is disabled?

nealiza wrote:
> . for consulting the instructor… I am that person.

please instruct your students in both the basics and specifics of

consider assigning that text as homework and then give a test on it…

you can make several good test questions from it …like:

  1. Name the seven sources in the “Before you Ask” section which your
    instructor skipped prior to asking his/her question on telnet.

2: For extra credit, name or describe how you could find the seven
sources referenced using an internet connected computer. (Use your
computer to provide fully qualified URLs.)

