Taxreturn software

Hi everbody in Germany,
is there any software for doing the german taxreturn (Einkommensteuer) 2010 anywhere available for openSUSE?

I know nothing THAT specific, but GnuCash might satisfy your needs.

Have had a look at GnuCash on the net but soory to say it’s only an accounting programm withour any means for doing the yaerly tax returns nessecary for the private person in germany.
Has anyone else got any suggestions?

Ok. I may have misunderstood what you were looking for.

Have you tried Google ? There might be some (free) service for that.

Have you tried going to the website of your government’s tax department and seeing if they have any online options? In the US, we can go to the IRS website, and it will give you some options for filing your taxes online. I don’t know how all that works in Germany, but it may be worth checking out.

On Mon, 23 Nov 2009 23:36:01 +0000, JumpingEarth wrote:

> Have you tried going to the website of your government’s tax department
> and seeing if they have any online options? In the US, we can go to the
> IRS website, and it will give you some options for filing your taxes
> online. I don’t know how all that works in Germany, but it may be worth
> checking out.

I was thinking something similar - for our US federal and state taxes, we
use an online service and that works great from our Linux systems.


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Moderator

Have tried both Google and the german taxoffice.
The german tax office online form is non explanitery and you really have to know what to fill in where!
As to Google I only had a short trip there and didn’t find much but wil give it another whirl.
Until I changed to openSuse this year I’ve used the software from a german chain store company that have everything really inexpensive but thier software is from one of the main german tax programm companies that produce for accountants and it’s really self explanitery. But it’s based on Silicon Valley programms.