Taskbar doesn't refresh properly

Hi. Since the install of suse 11.1 and kde 4.1.3 I am experiencing this
unproper refresh of the bottom taksbar in the right corner where there
are icons like: volume manager, applet updater, pulseaudio applet,…It
is not a problem of malfuncionting of the application, just the taskbar
doesn’t alway refreh correctly. For instance, If I start opera browser,
the icon of opera appears in the right corner of taskbar, but some of
the other icons, which were present before I run opera, get some “black
shadows” stains (I don’t know how exactly do describe it) around them.
Everything works well despite this, it’s just that it doesn’t look
pretty. I have installed the latest drivers from nvidia repository. Did
anyone have similar problems. Thanks for help.


arcull’s Profile: http://forums.opensuse.org/member.php?userid=11668
View this thread: http://forums.opensuse.org/showthread.php?t=405738

Thats a well known bug: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=158094


freedguy’s Profile: http://forums.opensuse.org/member.php?userid=11067
View this thread: http://forums.opensuse.org/showthread.php?t=405738

freedguy thanks, but if I saw the bug report correctly, the status is
marked as resolved, this would mean there is a solution to it, but I
just can not seen it on the bug reporting site. Am I missing something?


arcull’s Profile: http://forums.opensuse.org/member.php?userid=11668
View this thread: http://forums.opensuse.org/showthread.php?t=405738

The issue has been resolved by installing Qt 4.5 snapshot (very buggy
right now).

Qt 4.5 stable will come out in March, so lets wait :slight_smile:


freedguy’s Profile: http://forums.opensuse.org/member.php?userid=11067
View this thread: http://forums.opensuse.org/showthread.php?t=405738

Thanks again for explanation. I’ll wait too :slight_smile:


arcull’s Profile: http://forums.opensuse.org/member.php?userid=11668
View this thread: http://forums.opensuse.org/showthread.php?t=405738

if you don’t mind not having 3d effect you could turn off composite in

Section “Extensions”
Option “Composite” “off”


tom_enos’s Profile: http://forums.opensuse.org/member.php?userid=17191
View this thread: http://forums.opensuse.org/showthread.php?t=405738

Thanks tom_enos, can you tell me where these file x-org is, just in case
I change my mind :slight_smile:


arcull’s Profile: http://forums.opensuse.org/member.php?userid=11668
View this thread: http://forums.opensuse.org/showthread.php?t=405738

xorg.conf is in /etc/X11


freedguy’s Profile: http://forums.opensuse.org/member.php?userid=11067
View this thread: http://forums.opensuse.org/showthread.php?t=405738

Thanks again.


arcull’s Profile: http://forums.opensuse.org/member.php?userid=11668
View this thread: http://forums.opensuse.org/showthread.php?t=405738