[SystemD] Disabling startpar

I have installed SystemD in in parallel to SysVInti(with OpenSUSE enhancements). When I starting SystemD, startpar is also running. I suppose, i should add starpar.unit to SystemD configuration. I asks for help, because I won’t broke my system.

Help, PLZ.

Hey Lachu, welcome here

AFAICS you’re running the Milestone release. This is a testing- and development-release. If you’re afraid of breaking your system, don’t run a Milestone, pick 11.3 instead.

On 2010-11-28 14:06, Lachu wrote:
> I have installed SystemD in in parallel to SysVInti(with OpenSUSE
> enhancements). When I starting SystemD, startpar is also running. I
> suppose, i should add starpar.unit to SystemD configuration. I asks for
> help, because I won’t broke my system.

Please ask the devs in the factory mail list. This is very experimental.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” at Telcontar)