System Tray Popups Don’t Appear

Has anyone had the issue where the system tray popups like network settings don’t appear? The chevron icons flip when I click on them and I see a tiny little rectangle thing that doesn’t actually do anything. This happens on KDE Plasma 6 on openSUSE Tumbleweed - latest snapshot. This is not a VM - I’m running it on a full partition setup on my system SSD. I don’t know if it maybe has something to do with my AMD Radeon GPU and Wayland? It seems otherwise stable using Wayland, but I’ve had issues on Mint running on this very same computer - so much so that I gave up on Mint as a secondary OS and just deleted it. Even Ubuntu and Gnome has given me graphical weirdness with my setup.

And this is a completely fresh install. I had this issue before on my old install and thought maybe a fresh install would fix it; which obviously it did not. Plasma 5 and Wayland on Leap (latest release) didn’t have issues. I didn’t have an issue with Fedora KDE Plasma.


Yeah I’m having the same issue. KDE Plasma devs are aware of the issue and are working on a fix: Workaround setMinimumSize not resizing (!1109) · Merge requests · Plasma / libplasma · GitLab

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