System tray not showing Dropbox, Clementine, Skype, Kazam etc.

Today I removed all the offensive repositories and ran zypper dup. It downloaded some 1 GB of stuff and installed it. The process completed successfully (at least as per the console log) and after that parts of my KDE crashed. The panel vanished, wallpaper vanished, but windows were still there, and I was also able to switch across virtual desktops etc. After a system reboot, my panel did not reappear. So I created a new one and set up various widgets on it. The widgets seem to behave correctly. Except one. The system tray. It does not seem to show icons for any non-system apps. Clementine, Dropbox, Kazam, Skype etc do not show up in that area. What should I do so that they show up there?

More info that can potentially help reduce the solution space:

The repositories that I currently have:

acb70333:~ # zypper lr
# | Alias                    | Name                     | Enabled | Refresh
1 | Tumbleweed               | Tumbleweed               | Yes     | Yes    
2 | openSUSE Current OSS     | openSUSE Current OSS     | Yes     | Yes    
3 | openSUSE Current non-OSS | openSUSE Current non-OSS | Yes     | Yes    
4 | openSUSE Current updates | openSUSE Current updates | Yes     | Yes    

A screenshot illustrating some bits:

Rahul, most applications do not appear in the system tray. ON my PC, the only added ones, not included by default are the HP Toolbox (for HP printers) and the APC UPS monitor. Others do exist, but few applications will appear there. Also, as I peer at your display, it seems that perhaps you failed to add the Task Manager (or it is just in the wrong place), another widget that on my PC by default shows up between the Pager (Virtual Desktops) and the System Tray. I am thinking that you are missing the Task Manager and hoping running apps will show in the System Tray, but I could be wrong on your intent.

Thank You,

missingfaktor wrote:

> It does not seem to show icons for any
> non-system apps. Clementine, Dropbox, Kazam, Skype etc do not show up in
> that area.
They don’t show unless they are running
Is that what you are saying?

Of course you did have 50 + repos and ‘dup’ back to vanilla. I seem to recall suggesting a re-install.

Test a new user login (you can’t really try dropbox in that) but clementine, skype should give you
enough to see if it works there.

Thank you for your response!

Before I ran zypper dup, these apps showed up in system tray when running. Now they don’t.

As for the task-manager, I use an alternative -> icon-only task-manager. The one you see with those big Unity-like icons. But I think that’s orthogonal to this problem.

I am not hoping for running apps to show in system tray. I just want the system tray menus of some apps back. This picture below is from one of my older screenshots. You can see Skype and Dropbox showing up in system tray.

No. I meant they don’t show up when they should. See my last post.

Yes, I remember. I am still trying to get system in working condition without having to reinstall.

Thank you. I will try that.

I am not hoping for running apps to show in system tray. I just want the system tray menus of some apps back.
Not sure I follow. Because when dropbox and skype and clementine are running, they should be in the tray.
Just check the setting didn’t get switched so they are hidden.

Did you test a new user? (This basically starts a new and clean kde session, so we can see if if there is some crud in your current user that is messing things up)

As my first screenshot shows, these applications no more show up in system tray settings either. (They did, before my last zypper dup.)

Yes, I did. This problem is not present for other user. Screesnhot:

> 1 | Tumbleweed | Tumbleweed | Yes | Yes
> 2 | openSUSE Current OSS | openSUSE Current OSS | Yes | Yes
> 3 | openSUSE Current non-OSS | openSUSE Current non-OSS | Yes | Yes
> 4 | openSUSE Current updates | openSUSE Current updates | Yes | Yes

PLEASE post to the correct forum: if you use Tumbleweed post to that
forum, ONLY…here,

and, when a person with 32,000 posts here suggests you should do a fresh
format re-install (rather than running zypper dup) do it or suffer the
consequences of going off on your own.


Oops, sorry about that. I did the same mistake again (i.e. posting to wrong forum). I will move the thread to Tumbleweed side.

Two things:

  1. zypper dup was also suggested by him yesterday. I did not try it off my own accord.
  2. As my last post shows, the system tray is working just fine for other user on the system, implying that it’s my KDE settings that might have gone wrong somewhere. I don’t think this particular problem is of the kind that will need a reinstall. I could be wrong though.

Here is what you could try
It will loose all your personalized kde settings, but all your files etc remain
Logout and do a console login in as your usual userthen do

mv .kde4 .kde-old

any stuff you need from the old kde settings will be in .kde4-oldBut limit it to stuff like konversation or kmail etc…Just re-do all the look and feel

sorry about that messy formatting
Something is up with the advanced edit for me

I solved this by deleting all my panels. I use multiple monitors and this appeared to start happening once I created a second panel on the other monitor, probably because that will also have a System Tray and they seem to get confused or crossed up somewhere.

Just right click the panel, go to Panel > Delete this Panel and once you delete the last one it will re-make a default panel. Launch Skype or Spotify and you’ll see it working. Getting two panels to work at the same time may be a problem, but for the time being I just am using one for today because I have work to do :frowning:

Same problem here: after updating my (running) apps are not showing in the tray. I have Dropbox, Insync, Copy, Skype running but they don’t show.
After reading this thread, I made several tries:

  • first I deleted my panel and recreated a default panel. no joy
  • then I logged out of KDE, renamed .kde4 to .kde4_old, logged back. still no joy
  • then I created a new user. the new user still has the problem

What am I suppsed to do now? Am I the only one having this problem?

Thank you in advancefor any help.


it appears you are unique

Have you put the task manager widget on the panel??

BTW you do know this is an old thread???

Yes, I have put the task manager on the panel, but I don’t see how that relates to my problem.
I am talking about the icons in the TRAY, not in the task manager.
Dropbox, Insync and Copy are daemons, so they don’t show in the task manager widget. They should instead appear in the tray widget. At least, they do in KDE4.

Oh my! I did not notice the YEAR!!
I am sorry. I didn’t even imagine plasma5 was already around in 2012!

However, my problem remains… should I open a new topic?


I think I have found the cause of my problem.
At least for Dropbox, this problem is documented in various posts on their support forum.

However, the problem is wider, and this document is very enlightening:
In this blog post there are references to various patches for the main toolkits, that should avoid the missing tray icon problem.
It would be nice to know if OpenSUSE developers are aware of this (I think so, since this post is nearly one year old).


Yes, we are.

For Skype on 64bit systems you need to install sni-qt-32bit manually though, as it is a 32bit application.
And for other proprietary software, there’s not really much a distribution can do.
You found the “official” workaround (as suggested by one of the main kwin developers) already anyway.
Another one would be to run icewmtray, which should even be installed by default.

And yes, your problem is completely unrelated to the one originally discussed here… :wink:

Thank you wolfi!
Just one more question before letting this thread die in peace :slight_smile:

I have tried using icewmtray (which is, indeed, installed by default), but it does not show anything on screen. I have tried looking for more info on the web, but information in very scarce.
On the other hand, the “official workaround” wmsystemtray seems not to be available for opensuse.

Any suggestions (let alone compiling wmsystemtray on my own)?


It should open a window as soon as you start an application that creates a system tray icon.
If you are starting those applications during login already, you’d probably have to run icewmtray during login too.

On the other hand, the “official workaround” wmsystemtray seems not to be available for opensuse.

It is. But not in the official repos, only in some home repos:

Any suggestions (let alone compiling wmsystemtray on my own)?

Use applications that support the new (well, a few years old already…) system tray? :wink:
Or ask the application developers to support it.

Again, all KDE4/Qt4 applications should, but you might need to install sni-qt-32bit manually for 32bit applications like Skype (sni-qt itself should be installed by default, but better verify that as well).


Installing sni-qt-32bit manually solved the issue for skype on a 64 bit Tumbleweed here.

The problem appeared after an upgrade from OpenSUSE 12.3.
