System keeps crashing (black screen)

a. manufacturer/model # of your laptop,
b. openSUSE version and which desktop (and version) that you are using,
c. information on the symptoms/problem that you have with your laptop,
d. any specific/more detailed hardware information you may have on the equipment internal to your laptop that is causing the problem.


I have an ASUS altec lansing laptop with intel.

I am running openSUSE 13.1 (i586) 32-bit with gnome Version 3.10.2.

My problem I am sure is not SUSE related, I have had the same problem with Windows Vista as well as Ubuntu and Mint.

For some reason (unknown to me) the laptop crashes at what seems random intervals. It might be after a few seconds or a few hours.

When I say the laptop ‘crashes’ I mean I get a black screen (or blue when I used to have Windows) with lots of writing I don’t understand.

As is probably obvious to anyone reading this I am not a very technical person, I know how to install an OS but that’s about it.

I used my mobile to take 2 photos of the black screen with the writing on it, I will try to attach them to this post if it’s possible.

If anyone has the patience to help me I would greatly appreciate it.



P.S. I have just realised I cant post attachments, some of the text reads…

kernel panic - not syncing watchdog detected hard lockup on cpu 0
shutting down cpus with nmi
drm_kms_helper panic occurred, switching back to text console

robriley donned his tin foil hat and penned:

> a. manufacturer/model # of your laptop,
> b. openSUSE version and which desktop (and version) that you are using,
> c. information on the symptoms/problem that you have with your laptop,
> d. any specific/more detailed hardware information you may have on the
> equipment internal to your laptop that is causing the problem.
> Hello,
> I have an ASUS altec lansing laptop with intel.
> I am running openSUSE 13.1 (i586) 32-bit with gnome Version 3.10.2.
> My problem I am sure is not SUSE related, I have had the same problem
> with Windows Vista as well as Ubuntu and Mint.
> For some reason (unknown to me) the laptop crashes at what seems random
> intervals. It might be after a few seconds or a few hours.
> When I say the laptop ‘crashes’ I mean I get a black screen (or blue
> when I used to have Windows) with lots of writing I don’t understand.
> As is probably obvious to anyone reading this I am not a very technical
> person, I know how to install an OS but that’s about it.
> I used my mobile to take 2 photos of the black screen with the writing
> on it, I will try to attach them to this post if it’s possible.
> If anyone has the patience to help me I would greatly appreciate it.
> Thanks,
> Rob
> P.S. I have just realised I cant post attachments, some of the text
> reads…
> kernel panic - not syncing watchdog detected hard lockup on cpu 0
> shutting down cpus with nmi
> drm_kms_helper panic occurred, switching back to text console

When this happens in windows/linux does the laptop feel hot?

Especially underneath or round the fan outlets?

Can you supply the actual model of the laptop, should be written underneath
this will help a lot.

Do you happen to know if the laptop is 32 bit or 64 bit, in other words how
old is the laptop?


Nullus in verba
Caveat emptor
Nil illigitimi carborundum

The model number is: F52Q.

I believe that the architecture is 32 bit.

The laptop is dated from Oct 2009.

The laptop used to overheat, and make a lot of noise but my brother-in-law cleaned it and now it is quiet and doesn’t overheat. I installed the SUSE OS after this cleaning.

Thank you for taking the time to help.


On 2015-06-02 11:46, robriley wrote:
> P.S. I have just realised I cant post attachments, some of the text
> reads…

Upload to, post a link here.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.

(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” (Minas Tirith))

I had another pic but I can’t upload it as my computer keeps freezing up/crashing (no black screen).

On 2015-06-02 17:26, robriley wrote:
> I had another pic but I can’t upload it as my computer keeps freezing
> up/crashing (no black screen).

Kernel panic. Bad news.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.

(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” (Minas Tirith))

robriley donned his tin foil hat and penned:

> The model number is: F52Q.
> I believe that the architecture is 32 bit.
> The laptop is dated from Oct 2009.
> The laptop used to overheat, and make a lot of noise but my
> brother-in-law cleaned it and now it is quiet and doesn’t overheat. I
> installed the SUSE OS after this cleaning.
> Thank you for taking the time to help.
> Rob

After your brother cleaned the laptop did windows still crash as well or
does windows run OK and just suse crash?

Reason I ask is that you said in one of the posts that both crash, if both
still crash then I would still suspect an overheating problem.

If the heat sink and fan are not touching the CPU hen the fan would not cool
it and it would crash as soon as you started the macine, exactly like you
see in the Linux start-up.

As soon as any work is asked for then the chip just overheats.

Now no disrespect for your brother but did he make sure that the heat sink
had new thermal paste and that it was tightened down ( not too tight ) so
that it was level and in contact with the chip?

All above is presuming that the same is still happening in windows, if not
then we will have to look at other ways.

Doing a little googling and I wonder why you have installed the 32bit
version, that laptop* should do 64bit?

*Except I do remember there was a transition period where they claimed 64bit
but would only run 32 so could be my mistake, sorry just got back from a job
so this is just a quick thought.



Nullus in verba
Caveat emptor
Nil illigitimi carborundum

It could also be RAM, remove and re-insert, if it still crashes run memtest on it.

malcolmlewis donned his tin foil hat and penned:

> Hi
> It could also be RAM, remove and re-insert, if it still crashes run
> memtest on it.
Good point Malcolm,

Sorry had to go out on a job.

Nullus in verba
Caveat emptor
Nil illigitimi carborundum