Sync WinMobil phone with Linux, possible?

Has any one tried this? Is it even possible?

I don’t have the phone yet, upgrading next month and just asking if it would be possible (theoretically or otherwise). My wife is looking at a phone and it has WinMobile on it. It comes with the sync cable and software. It would interesting to try it and see. I would think that at the very least, the phone would show up as a mobile device like a flash drive.

Well, off to do some research on the phone.

It seems unlikely doesn’t it. If ever there was going to be a case of Vendor Lock In, this sounds like it.

My hopes would be in Virtual Box.

It’s possible with synce. I can synce my WM 6 device with SUSE.

Synce - openSUSE

Thanks, looks interesting. I’ll be reading up on this stuff.

Haaaahh! What a question…try to get Windows Mobile “activ sinc” to work with anything…even with windows it doesn’t work…i think it was designed to not work!

“the phone would show up as a mobile device like a flash drive.” <-no you need activSinc

Pray to God, that you will find a Open Source -clone for this really really bad and ugly ActivSinc…and i know what about i’m speaking…i have a Asus Smartphone with WinCE 6.1…ith for nothing…when my Android phone will come i will kick it out of the window or put it in a cannon and send it back to Redmond…

I tried it using synce but it wouldn’t even detect that my phone was connected. I am totally new to Linux so it may have been my setup. I was trying it under Gnome at the time. I’ve now switched to KDE and will give it another try once I’ve iron out all the other little niggles first.

@ Caleb, I’d be interested how well the Android phones sync. Please let us know when you receive your phone.

> Haaaahh! What a question…try to get Windows Mobile “activ sinc” to
> work with anything…even with windows it doesn’t work…i think it was
> designed to not work!

Not only this, but you have to have the full version of Outlook to make good
use of it…which means an Outlook license. Of course none of that would a
person know getting a Windows phone for the first time.

Put linux on the phone. >:)

There quite a few paid for Windows apps that will allow syncing of a win mobile phone with other apps than Outlook, e.g. Thunderbird / Lightning, google calendar, etc. There may be a port or a similar app for Linux. I haven’t researched this yet though.

Funambol, is an opensoure project for syncing my different platforms with many different mobiles. I haven’t looked at it proprly but it looks like a possible solution.

There are a lot of apps for nokia phones but i have not a nokia phone and didn’t taste it…look in yast…

Have a look in this thread…i will post when my android smarphone will come…Phones with Adroid Linux - openSUSE Forums

Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I have been doing some research on the different phones and OSs for them.

It sounds like a lot would like to do something like this, but haven’t. or have not got it to work right. :frowning:

I was commenting on a similar post and cjcox posted that he added a phone category the the hardware list:
Cell Phone Compatibilty Question! - Page 2 - openSUSE Forums

The wife and I upgraded our phones. Verizon gave us a great deal. We ended up not getting the Samsung Omnia I posted earlier. I played around with a while in the store and didn’t really like the touch screen. It didn’t work very well.

I did like the blackberry storm. I ended up getting that one. So far, syncing doesn’t work. I think that is because I’m running KDE4 and the sync plugins are all for KDE3. I did manage to get it to sync once. It only went from my computer to the phone (and screwed up a couple of contacts). It hasn’t worked since. I’m going to keep trying, I’ll report back what i come up with.