Switch keyboard keys

Hi folks,

I have a notebokk and my tab key is broken. I wanna switch my left shift key with my tab key. I known that’s possible.
Anyone can help me please?

Thanks in advance.

Have a look at xmodmap:

Thanks a lot wolfi323 !!! rotfl!

I find a solution at: SDB:Using the Extra Keys on the Keyboard - openSUSE Wiki

Thread closed with sucess !!!

Hm, why is this article on the turkish Wiki (only), even if it is written in english? :stuck_out_tongue:
That’s why I didn’t find it in the first place, I suppose.

Anyway, glad to have been of help.:slight_smile:

Now the founded solution works only in KDE, anyone can help me with GNOME?
Like some else, what file Gnome read at graphical startup to set keyboard map …

Best regards,