swich to Oracle mysql in opensuse 13.1

hi there i just want to know if its possible to switch from mariahDB or mysql-community-server to oracle mysql RPM (long story) . the reason that i ask it, it because a lot of opensuse components depand on mairadb or mysql-community-server so i can’t remove it . but when i want to see if opensuse can let me install oracle mysql it does let me without a problem BUT i don’t know what will happen if i install it because i think the oracle mysql files will conflict with the mariahDB or mysql-community files.

any suggestion?

But mysql-community-server is Oracle’s mysql.

the reason that i ask it, it because a lot of opensuse components depand on mairadb or mysql-community-server so i can’t remove it .

On my system only akonadi depends on it. (because it starts a private mysql instance by default)
And I have KDE and GNOME installed.

Which packages are you exactly trying to remove?

i try to remove mysql-community-server and if i forbid for mariadb to install it , it show what it will remove 14 packages that belong to kde .

Yes, that’s akonadi and the kdepim packages (as they need akonadi).
If you are not using them, you can just uninstall them.

But if you’re going to install Oracle’s rpm anyway, you could also just choose “break xxx by ignoring its dependencies”. They should work fine with Oracle’s mysql as well. (but I have not tested this)

i think it work ok but i start the service like this

mysqld_safe --user=mysql &
because it write me

This output shows SysV services only and does not include native
systemd services. SysV configuration data might be overridden by native
systemd configuration

can i fix it?

ok evething work ok if i use the terminal under root (su -)

but under my user it write :

ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can’t connect to local MySQL server through socket ‘/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock’ (13)

Well, you normally need root permissions to start the daemon. Otherwise it cannot even access its database and log directories. (/var/lib/mysql/ f.e. as you can see in the error message)

But I cannot really help you with Oracle’s mysql packages as I never used them.
Again, they shouldn’t be different to openSUSE’s though.

I guess you should start the daemon with “systemctl start mysql.service” (or enable it to start at boot with “systemctl enable mysql.service”) as well.

If you don’t want to do that, you should first explain what exactly you are trying to achieve, I’d say.
Otherwise nobody will be able to help you I think.

It should be able to run mysql as normal user (even with the openSUSE packages) as Akonadi does that f.e., if that is what you want.
But you would have to tell it to use different directories where that user has access to.


Before opining on your error,
I would repeat the question wolfi asked,

Why would you want to install the MySQL downloaded from Oracle?
You really need to have a <very> good reason to do so, generally for the following reasons at least

  • Something from Oracle will be very generic, not configured optimally to be installed into openSUSE. In fact, I’ve found other Oracle apps configured to place files in “wrong” places (at least for openSUsE)
  • Because it’s very generic, you will need to know more to setup properly than a package installed from an openSUSE repo

So, you really need to describe what features or version of Oracle MySQL you need. Whether you download from Oracle or from the openSUSE repositories, you will get the same “Community” edition, there is no practical difference.

Now, your specific error…
I remember running into it many years ago. My memory may be fuzzy, but IIRC you’re seeing a Linux Sockets issue, possibly the root cause is that your MySQL instance may not be configured to support this type of connection or there is a related permissions issue. Again, more things you may need to know by not taking advantage of the configurations that are set up for you automatically when you use MySQL from the openSUSE repos.


thanks to all. everything work ok now.

the problem was permission issue . thanks.

and why oracle ? the bottom line its that my friend that work in this database tell me that’s what he want. soo i explain him exactly what you said to me but that what he want soo i did it.

Glad to hear you got it working.
If you have a moment, to help others in the future, it would be nice to post exactly what type of permissions issue you resolved.


my mistake the permission was related to other mysql problem not related to this one at all the solution to this one if anyone install ORACLE MYSQL its to change the sock path to


in both the [client] and [mysqld] and if it comment then uncomment and write the path.

and before that if anyone install oracle mysql and if you can’t login even if you change you root password and have this message

[Warning] User entry 'username'@'hostname' has an empty plugin value. The user will be ignored and no one can login with this user anymore

do this:

systemctl stop mysql.service

sudo **/**usr**/**bin**/**mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables

sudo mysql_upgrade -h -u root -p

systemctl start mysql.service