suspend to RAM / Disc broken after last update

I used to be very happy with my laptop being able to just close the lid and having it suspended (2 RAM or 2 Disk, depending how I configure it). Yet after the last update about 2 weeks ago it stopped suspending. Instead it will blink with keyboard LEDS (which is normally a kernel crash sign), and then simply turn off. It does this same thing independent if I try to suspend to ram or disk.

The laptop is a Dell Latitude E6400, running OS 11.4, 32bit.
Any help is appreciated!

On 2011-07-30 11:16, dich wrote:
> I used to be very happy with my laptop being able to just close the lid
> and having it suspended (2 RAM or 2 Disk, depending how I configure it).
> Yet after the last update about 2 weeks ago it stopped suspending.
> Instead it will blink with keyboard LEDS (which is normally a kernel
> crash sign), and then simply turn off. It does this same thing
> independent if I try to suspend to ram or disk.

Well, find out what it was updated (rpm database query), and assuming it is
something in the default (official) repos, report the regression in bugzilla.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

Thank for the hint, Carlos!

I traced it down to (surprise!) VirtualBox kernel modules from Virtualization repo:
virtualbox-host-kmp-default 4.1.0_k2.6.37.6_0.5-9.1 i586 openSUSE BuildService - Virtualization (VirtualBox)
as soon as I stopped the driver via rcvboxdrv stop everything was back to normal. I’ll contact the repo maintainers, but in the meantime just wanted to leave this info here in case anyone else got this combination of packages/problems.

On 2011-08-04 08:26, dich wrote:
> Thank for the hint, Carlos!
> I traced it down to (surprise!) VirtualBox kernel modules from
> Virtualization repo:
> virtualbox-host-kmp-default 4.1.0_k2.6.37.6_0.5-9.1 i586 openSUSE
> BuildService - Virtualization (VirtualBox)
> as soon as I stopped the driver via rcvboxdrv stop everything was back
> to normal. I’ll contact the repo maintainers, but in the meantime just
> wanted to leave this info here in case anyone else got this combination
> of packages/problems.

That’s good news.

It is possible to automate stopping the driver (assuming there is no
virtual guest running), or abort the suspend procedure. I can give you
hints on both: scripts are run in /etc/pm/sleep.d/. I added a script to
abort suspend if there is an nfs client session, I can look it up.


Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)


Good hint, thanks!
For now I just switched to the “official” version of the VirtualBox!


Thanks dich…I thought I was going mad but yep that was my problem as well. As soon as I stopped the Virtualbox kernel module suspend started working again.

Yes that sorted it for me as well, just stop vbox driver and it works :slight_smile: