Suse & Virtualmin

Hello everyone,

I run Suse 11.1 on my server and I am using Webmin & Virtualmin to use my 3 other domains. I need some advice or anyone who is using Virtualmin on Suse. I just wanted to know if it is working on suse or not.

The problem is that when I create a web site on virtualmin, sites’ home directory is on /home/ but then any php or asp pages are not working. (I know that suse’s directories on /srv/www) When I am installing virtualmin, I was told that I need to change the directory on Suexec /home instead of /srv/www. I did that but now php or asp pages are not working. I installed asp mods, it was working before I install virtualmin. The funny thing is it is working only IE sometimes, when I try to open the sites on Firefox, Opera or Chrome, I only see the php/asp codes. I am really confused here and need some advice.

I think I should configure virtualmin’s home directory as /srv/www . I just wanted to know that it’s possible or not.

Allright, this is just for information.

Virtualmin is working fine on Suse. You just need to change the home directory as /srv/www on Virtualmin. You can find the RPM on webmin’s web site.

All my problems are solved. Thanks.