Hi all,
Have this week run latest update on my tumbleweed OS. On bootup a splash screen appears so after reading whats on etc unticked the box to start on bootup. Also I have tweak installed and it also entered itself in startup apps so removed that. However on reboots the splash splash screen returns?
Any ideas how to remove.
Thanks for help.
Please do not assume that other people are daily doing what you did. or can look over your shoulder So better explicate what you did instead of the vague “unticked the box to start on bootup”. Which box where? “I have tweak installed”, what did you install, how and where? “it also entered itself in startup apps so removed”, what is “it” and where is “startup apps”?
For me this is full of riddles.
Not sure it was dismissed here on the next boot (GNOME DE), what desktop environment are you running.
Check down in ~/.config/autostart/org.opensuse.opensuse_welcome.desktop leave it there but make it read-only so it won’t run;
chmod 0444 ~/.config/autostart/org.opensuse.opensuse_welcome.desktop
I have no idea what you unticked there.
What I do: I go into Yast bootloader, and click on the “Kernel Parameters” tab. And then I remove the string “splash=silent” from the kernel command line parameters. I click “Okay” (or “Finish” or whatever) to save those changes. Starting with the next boot, the graphic splash is gone and instead I see bootup messages and shutdown messages on shutdown.
Also I have tweak installed and it also entered itself in startup apps so removed that.
I don’t know what that means, either. By “tweak” do you mean “Gnome Tweak Tool”? I don’t recall any boot settings in that.