SUSE LINUX 11 spk4 - Installation issue with mono-complete

Good morning all:
I am a newbie with mono and I am looking for an alternative to Microsoft IIS. After discussing this issue with SUSE / Microfocus support the engineers suggested I review the SUSE LINUX 11 package which supports Mono. The mono application will support VB .NET software and the migration should be do-able. I’ve configured a SUSE Linux 11 spk4 server with APACHE and also configure SAMBA for our IT Programmers. They create VB programs using Visual Studio and need an easy way to migrate existing VB code to the LINUX system… Samba provides this easy path. Now for the issue at hand: Installing Mono. This process has been interesting and I’ve tried several ways to install the mono-complete application from the mono-project website. I’m trying the “1 Click complete” procedure. The program opens, calls YAST and begins… However the install process only installs “partial mono-complete”. Can anyone outline what is happening, why this process fails to install the entire application and what other resources are available to isolate this problem? I’ve been reviewing and trying this step for a day or so and frustration is beginning to set in… Any insight the this problem or suggestions would be greatly appreciated from this FORM.
My best,
Evaluation Services Inc., New Jersey

Unfortunately your posted in the wrong forum, these forums are for the openSUSE (Community) release, please head over and repost at same username and password.

I’m assuming SLES 11 SP4, so post in Rancher Labs

Thread closed.