SuSE and me

I wouldn’t say I am a newbie but I am not a code junkie as well. I had a flirtation with Vista 64 bit, the reason for the 64 bit version is that I have 8 GIG of ram!

I have been using SuSE on and off since the version 7 days! Anway my experience of SuSE 11.1 the 64 bit version1

The install

This went extremely easily, no problems to report, I pick KDE 4.1 as my desktop. Everything installed as it should, hardware was picked up, graphics, sound and scanner! Not a problem!

The updates

After reading what to do and where to get it on here, I didn’t have a problem, I am now running KDE 4.2.1 release 108 without any major problems, just one or two minor things, so minor that I cannot remember!

What I do

I am mainly converting and creating dvd’s from various video formats, by that I mean .AVI, .MPG AND MPEG and .FLV.

I normally use WINff to convert to dvd compliant mpegs, and I use either dvdstyler or Qdvdauthor. If the resultant file is to large to fit on a single layer dvd I use K9copy to shrink it down and to burn to a dvd I use the Linux version of Nero!

For my printer I use turboprint which I find works very well for me!

Not forgetting the normal web stuff IE: surfing, P2P, FTP, A little bit opf web design and graphics!

My hardware

AMD Athlon X2 6000+, 8 gig ram, nvidia 8400GS graphics card, onboard sound and network, cannon scanner, cannon IP4500 printer, and yes I can print on both sides as well as DVD’s

Sorry to be boring but I find the version I am using fine!

This is good news.

FYI. k3b will handle all your burning needs.

Flash, k3b, Amarok - Install Guide - openSUSE Forums

Multi-media and Restricted Format Installation Guide - openSUSE Forums

I have the KDE3 and KDE4 version installed, the KDE3 versions runs fine but the KDE4 version says that it cannot find the MAD MP3 library, which is installed, and as such cannot burn audio CD’s from MP3 files, not a problem, I just use the KDE3 version. I know this is in the wrong area, sorry guys!

I often read about people having problems and I think how lucky I am. I have put the search facility to good use on this forum and within google as well! The help I have gleaned from this forum has been brilliant!

The kde4 ver of k3b is not recommended yet. Stick with k3b wiht the k3b-codecs both from Packman.

I know the KDE3 version works, it would be nice to get the KDE4 version working. Oh well, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it I say. When I searched for that problem, it came back the same sort of replies, stick with the KDE3 version, in fact I might delete the KDE4 version. Apart from that minor problem, if you can call it that, my system is running fine and with thanks to the people on here, it will continue to run fine!

I just hope that other people who are thinking of taking the plunge into openSUSE that they will have a hassle free installation as I have, and it continues to run fine. The only thing I will say to people who are thinking of it, give it a go but PLEASE do not rush the installation as it is very easy to miss something, yep, that has happened to me!


PLEASE do not rush the installation as it is very easy to miss something

Some good advice. And it seems you speak from experience!

I have stopped keeping count of installs I have done of 11.1 for folks/friends/colleagues. Suse has never behaved badly, it just does exactly as it is told. Though I admit, you sometimes need to show it what you need/want. So I can only assume there are lot’s of users who just don’t follow that advice you offered.

Oh yes indeed, but now I do not rush into any install, take time to read any messages as they can be important. Yep it has happened to me and many times I have had to bite the bullet and start again!

As you say, suse never behaves badly, well sometimes a program will fall over but that very rarely happens! As I have said, my system is running fine!