suse 12.2-installing printer-progression bar jump to 100% and printer is not found

on my sony vaio with opensuse 12.2 and kde 4.9.4 when I tried to install a printer often it doesn’t find the printer, I go to yast>printer>add new printer then a printing (translated fom italian) progression bar appear, then another printer driver recovery (translated from italian) progression bar appear, well, when this last progression bar is quite slow and from 4% jump suddenly to 100% the printer is not found, when this arrive approximately to 40% then jump suddenly to 100% the printer is found.
as the printer is found after 3 times in average, is there any way to avoid this problem ???
I would like to give to my son a working system not a system where you have to try 3-4 times to install a printer :-))
thankyouverymuch, :slight_smile: ciao pier :slight_smile:

On 2012-12-21 16:06, pier andreit wrote:

> as the printer is found after 3 times in average, is there any way to
> avoid this problem ???

Type the printer yourself. Some printers are never found.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4, with Evergreen, x86_64 “Celadon” (Minas Tirith))

during installation I type the name, samsung or other,
when the printer isn’t found anything I type, maybe samsung or hp or nothing or click on all the printers, no driver is shown

Let’s start from the beginning:

  1. Can you tell us the make and model of your printer?
  2. Does it require third-party drivers installed?
  3. Have you tried configuring via the CUPS web interface (using your favourite browser)?

ooookkk :):slight_smile:

I tried with many printers, samsung clp320n, samsung clp300, many HP, kiocera ecc it doesn’t dipends from the printer…

samsung has theyr drivers, but I prefere to use this, hp is fully supported, kiocera also fully supported, but again it doesn’t dipends from the drivers

not, via CUPS never tried… I will do…
to clarify everithing, changing in english the system language :slight_smile:
opensuse 12.2 and sony vaio VPCEH2N1E

a)when printer installation works (1 time on 3):
a1-click on yast>printer>add
a2-a progress bar (detecting printer) start,
a3-another progress bar (receiving printer driver information) start, fill up to 60% then suddenly to 100%
a4-the add new printer configuration window appear
a5-click on connection wizard>select TCP port>insert IPaddress>leave TCPport 9100>click on test connection>result is OK>click OK on test>select a printer manufacturer>click OK on window
a6-the add new printer configuration window appear again
a7-in “find and assign a driver” beside “search for” the printer manufacturer appear and in the space below a list of drivers appear
a8-I choose my driver, click OK, and printer works ok

with the same printer in the same conditions with the same laptop
b)when printer installation doesn’t works (2 time on 3):
b1-click on yast>printer>add
b2-a progress bar (detecting printer) start, **
a3-another progress bar (receiving printer driver information) start, fill up to 4% then suddenly to 100%**
b4-the add new printer configuration window appear
b5-click on connection wizard>select TCP port>insert IPaddress>leave TCPport 9100>click on test connection>result is OK>click OK on test>select a printer manufacturer>click OK on window
b6-the add new printer configuration window appear again**
b7-in “find and assign a driver” beside “search for” the printer manufacturer appear and in the space below NO DRIVERS, TOTALLY EMPTY, EVEN IF I CHANGE THE PRINTER MANUFACTURER, OR EMPTY PRINTER MANUFACTURER AND CLICK ON FIND MORE
b8-I cannot choose my driver and cannot install the printer, even if in the previous b-7 I choose “driver packages” and choose a ppd driver that works for that printer**

thnx, :slight_smile: ciao :slight_smile: pier and merry christmas after maja dayafter…:slight_smile:

b5-click on connection wizard>select TCP port>insert IPaddress>leave TCPport 9100>click on test connection>result is OK>click OK on test>select a printer manufacturer>click OK on window

Ntwork-connected printers can be a little more complicated to set up (comapred with local usb -connected printers), and auto-detection does not always work via SNMP discovery. YaST actually uses the underlying CUPS tools for this process. FWIW, I prefer to use the CUPS web interface for this, and manual configuration, where I select the printer connection, IP address, and driver etc. It’s not hard.

Here’s the CUPS reference on network printers:

Using Network Printers - Documentation - CUPS

If you still feel this is an openSUSE issue with YaST, rather than some quirk of your network or attached printers, then I would recommend filing a bug report.