Suse 11.3 and Toshiba A665-S6054


I am wondering if somebody tried to install Suse 11.3 on a Toshiba A665-S6054 laptop (with intel core i5-450M processor/turbo-boosting, mobile intel HD Graphics, 4GB DDR3 memory),or a similar one.

If yes, could you share the experience? Does Suse run well there?


I have 11.3 on an a665d(amd processors) everything else is the same. The only thing I’m having a problem with is the Realtek wifi card, and am currently working on something to fix that. Other hen that, every thing else works great, web cam, mic, backlight keyboard, touchpad, function keys(after an upddate).

Did you have to do anything special to get the keyboard backlight to work? And can you turn it on and off using the function key, or is it just always on? I’ve got a different Toshiba (Satellite P750D) that I just installed OpenSUSE 12.1 on, but it’s not doing anything with the keyboard backlight.