suse 11.1 work very slow

Hi, I’m totally noob in suse and in *nix at all.
I just install suse 11.1.
All looks to be cool but after couple of hours all works very slow - window switch, open smth and etc.
After reboot all seems to be ok, but after some time all works slow again.
top is ok!!!

video(integrated):intel G33
I can provide more info, but I really don’t know how and what.

Pleas help!

Are your desktop icons in a little box on the desktop, or just spread out on the desktop like Windows does?

I use KDE 4.1 if a question about it, and so icons was in box but now it somehow spread out on the desktop (like in windows)

Thanks. I hope you didn’t think I was implying anything negative by making the question simpler.

Okay, you probably need to turn off compositing. Compositing is where the window manager (like KDE, more or less) uses the accelerated 3D abilities of the video chip. If acceleration is not available, it tries to use compositing with a software renderer, which is very, very slow (also for 3D games and such). Now, all chips have 3D capabilities, but they all do it differently. And they’re very hard to reverse engineer, so we generally have to rely on the companies who make them to give us drivers that activate the acceleration. I may not be completely up to date, but I believe the only two companies who offer it are nVidia and ATI. In which case, your Intel chip has to rely on software rendering.

But that’s okay. We can turn off the compositing and that should make it faster. To do this, open systemsettings. I believe you’ll find it in the Kickoff menu (the main menu like Windows’ Start menu) listed as “Personal Settings”. Once it opens, click on the icon that says “Desktop” and then uncheck the box that says “Enable Desktop Effects”. At that point, it should be faster. If not, try logging out and back in.

If that doesn’t work, come back and let us know.

You could also remove beagle.

If you see a slow down on web pages, you could turn OFF ipv6.

In some cases installing a proprietary graphic driver can speed things up, but that has an unfortunate consequence that kernel updates and X11 app updates can break one’s graphics (until the proprietary driver is rebuilt and re-installed). Rebuilding and re-installing (the proprietary driver) while not difficult, is a MAJOR headache for many new users.

First off all - thx for fast and useful response.

I get what it possible intel driver problem and try to google about.I found some drivers hear Intel Linux Graphics: Installation
but I don’t have enough experience to try it by my self((

Actually I already did it (turn of “Desktop Effects”) a weak ago.
“Desktop Effects” are awesome!!! but f*k on them, if it turned on - it totally impossible to work!
And so - I can work somehow. But it still brakes(works not so fast just after reboot) after some time of working. And I start already feel nervous about it((

dpush adjusted his/her AFDB on Friday 17 Jul 2009 15:06 to write:

> Hi, I’m totally noob in suse and in *nix at all.
> I just install suse 11.1.
> All looks to be cool but after couple of hours all works very slow -
> window switch, open smth and etc.
> After reboot all seems to be ok, but after some time all works slow
> again.
> top is ok!!!
> system:
> motherboard:P5KPL-VB
> video(integrated):intel G33
> I can provide more info, but I really don’t know how and what.
> Pleas help!

When the machine slows down press Ctrl+Esc this should start ksysguard ( bit
like task manager in Widows ) here you can see what is taking all you CPU if
it is an app that is owned by you then you can kill it.also

turn off or un-install anything that searches the desktop

Beagle, kerry, strigi, nepomuk

Also there is the beagle addon for firefox.

These search apps will slow a machine down when they kick in.

strigi can be turned off in the Desktop Settings>advanced>Desktop Search.


Caveat emptor
Nullus in verba
Nil illegitimi carborundum

"When the machine slows down press Ctrl+Esc this should start ksysguard ( bit
like task manager in Widows ) here you can see what is taking all you CPU if
it is an app that is owned by you then you can kill it.also
just like I said - top is ok, nothing seem to be use whole memory or processor(even a swap isn’t used and processor free on 90%)

It may be time to run fsck and check for bad blocks.