Survey: Looking for smartphone / mobile solution to work with Kontact

Those were the days when there wasn’t much but the Palm and his loyal companion KPilot …

Unfortunately, those days are gone and I find myself in need of a mobile solution that should sync calendar, to-do, address and note data with my desktop, ideally Kontact.

Before I make up my mind what kind of smartphone to get (Palm-based? Android? Iphone? … ?), I’d like to know if there is ANY kind of working solution out there that would work somehow with Kontact?

From what I’ve read so far, the main solution seems to be an Android-based phone that would sync with Kontact indirectly via Google calendar <> Akonadi …

(By the way, is there any way solution for sync’ing and carrying notes around, similar to the good ol’ Palm notepad? It seems to me that nowadays calendar + tasks + addresses is the most one can expect … ?)


Hmmm, no response could mean that (a) nobody is sharing my interest in this area, or (b) there is no solution out there. I hope it’s only (a)?!

homoludens1000 wrote:
> Hmmm, no response could mean that (a) nobody is sharing my interest in
> this area, or (b) there is no solution out there. I hope it’s only (a)?!

more likely (b)!
last week i decided it was time for me to move to something more
‘powerful’ than just a plain old mobile phone good for little other
than talking to other phones…

so, i visited a web site i’d seen advertised in Linux Format
(magazine) and soon learned that the (Linux) Android based HTC i
thought i wanted could only sync through the provided “HTC Sync Suite”
running on Win7, Vista or XP…only!

and, i decided i can live a while longer without an internet in my

btw, one phone (Nokia 900 if i recall correctly–the mag is not in
arms reach) is both Linux based and direct access to the system is not
so difficult…so, i guess it should be possible to work with it,
but i’m gonna wait a while…

CAVEAT: [posted via NNTP w/openSUSE 10.3]


thanks a lot for the post, interesting. From what I’ve gathered so far, the main solution seems to be a two sync KDE <> Google <> Android phone, but I’m not really comfortable with that. First, I don’t like to store my personal info online, and secondly, a two-way sync seems like a big step backward from direct sync. What do you do when you travel abroad and/or have no internet connection?

Pooh, I’m almost tempted to go back to openSUSE 10.3 / KDE 3.5. Perhaps outdated, but things used to work comparatively well … :frowning:

homoludens1000 wrote:
> Pooh, I’m almost tempted to go back to openSUSE 10.3 / KDE 3.5. Perhaps
> outdated, but things used to work comparatively well … :frowning:

outdated? i use it every day, and even now (unsupported, yes…old
yes, but outdated? no way!)…anything this stable and useful can be
thrown out…of course, i wouldn’t throw out a 1954 Corvette either.

but, still i don’t think it possible to run HTC’s sync code…maybe
in WINE, but it will probably only sync with Outhouse…so, no thanks
i’ll wait.

CAVEAT: [posted via NNTP w/openSUSE 10.3]