Have an interesting thing going on, and I’m totally puzzled by it. Running the latest openSUSE Tumbleweed on a Surface Pro 3 with the typecover. This one is an i5 with 8GB.
First, the excellent news: everything works right out of the box, zero tweaking required. Wifi, bluetooth, touchscreen, sound, the works. So, excellent thus far.
However, there is something that’s minor going on, but I have no idea how to diagnose it. Like I said, everything works, and this includes the sensors, accelerometer and ambient light sensors. I can enable the light sensor, and sure enough it’ll auto-adjust brightness. The issue comes with auto-rotate, and it’s a weird issue. I’m running KDE Wayland. If I boot the device with either the typecover or an external USB keyboard/mouse, it WILL NOT auto rotate, at all. However, if I try to boot without any sort of keyboard/mouse, it gives me this, in a blue ncurses-type window:
Trust openSUSE certificate
Do you agree to use the built-in openSUSE certificate
to verify boot loaders and kernels?
No is auto-selected. Touch screen won’t let me select, and plugging in a keyboard/mouse won’t let me select either, so the only thing I can do is hard-reset, connect a keyboard, and it’ll boot with zero problems. If I boot with a keyboard and hit ENTER for default boot, and quickly unplug it, THEN it’ll boot normally and auto-rotate works fine, even after reconnecting the input devices. I’ve checked BIOS, and secure boot is enabled (and I remember during install saying to import the certificates for EFI). Haven’t tried to set it to “no”, but what on earth?
I’ll grant you this isn’t a big deal and kudos to the openSUSE team because I had to do nothing in order for this all to function. But I’d appreciate any thoughts on how to even diagnose this, since either it boots normally with keyboard and no auto-rotate, it boots normally with auto-rotate if I un/re-plug the keyboard quickly, or won’t boot at all with no keyboard. Looking at dmesg/logs has zero errors after it’s booted either way.