Supertux doesn't work?

I’ve installed Supertux the game for the kids, but whenever I want to open it I get the following error.

korbes@linux-bbie:~> supertux
Datadir: /usr/bin/../share/supertux
Warning: No joysticks are available.

Error: Couldn't load musicfile


Is there a way to solve this problem?
Thanks in advance.

Hello korbes,

Is there a way to solve this problem?
You can try to run the game with the option --disable-sound.
It isn’t a solution, but the game will run.:wink:

Good luck!

Ok thanks Edward,
now supertux runs but whithout sound.
Is there any way to fix the sound?
I tried reinstalling te game, but still same problem.

Hello korbes,

After some searching I found this on the Supertux Wiki:

After running the configure script without any options and compiling the source in the supertux-0.1.3.tar file, SuperTux crashes with the error ‘Couldn’t load musicfile’, and reports the filename with a complete absolute path (which is correct – SALCON.mod). Bug produced with a Slackware 9.1 system. -> Your SDL_mixer library is probably compiled without mikmod support or you grabbed 1 of the versions where mikmod support was broken.
And I found two bug-reports about the same problem. Here and here.
So you can try to update SDL_Mixer or downgrade it. Could you
please tell me which version of Supertux and SDL_Mixer you have.

Good Luck!

I have SuperTux 0.1.3 version. And I wouldn’t know how to check which version of SDL_Mixer I have.
I’m a newbie in linux.
So can you please tell me how to check this?
thanks in advance

Go to Yast-Software-Software Management

search for SDL_mixer

Ok in Yast software management I can see that I have libSDL_mixer-1_2-0 installed.
Do I have to upgrade this? Or downgrade?

Hello korbes,

I would recommend to upgrade SDL_mixer.
Go to Software Search, enter SDL_mixer and your openSUSE version.
Look for 1.2.8 or higher. Click on the One-Click Install button.
Follow the installation instruction. If all goes well SDL_Mixer will be installed.

Good Luck! :wink:

I have now SDL_mixer-1.2.11-11.1 installed. But supertux gives still the same error.

Couldn't load musicfile:.../usr/share/supertux/music/SALCON.MOD

Hello korbes,

I’m sorry that didn’t work out for you. :frowning:
But there’s something we haven’t tried yet.
We haven’t looked if the file is actually there. Open a terminal and type:

file /usr/share/supertux/music/SALCON.MOD

If it returns

/usr/share/supertux/music/SALCON.MOD: Fasttracker II module sound data

The file exists and it’s still a SDL_Mixer problem.
Try to update supertux to version 0.3.x.
You can install this through the Software Search.

This release uses openAL instead of SDL_Mixer.

But if it returns:

/usr/share/supertux/music/SALCON.MODasd: cannot open `/usr/share/supertux/music/SALCON.MOD' (No such file or directory)

The file isn’t there. And you need to find the file somewhere and place it in /usr/share/supertux/music/.

Best of luck!

Ok thanks for your reply Edward.
The file SALCON.MOD is in place.
So I installed supertux 0.3.13 but now I get an other error trying to open it?
Here is the outcome in console:

korbes@linux-b8pz:~> supertux2
[INFO] /usr/src/packages/BUILD/supertux-0.3/src/supertux/main.cpp:200 [/home/korbes/.supertux2] is in the search path
[INFO] /usr/src/packages/BUILD/supertux-0.3/src/supertux/main.cpp:200 [/usr/bin//] is in the search path             
[INFO] /usr/src/packages/BUILD/supertux-0.3/src/supertux/main.cpp:517 Component 'controller' finished after 0.201 seconds                                                                                                                   
[INFO] /usr/src/packages/BUILD/supertux-0.3/src/supertux/main.cpp:62 Couldn't load config file: Couldn't open file 'config': No such file or directory, using default settings                                                              
[INFO] /usr/src/packages/BUILD/supertux-0.3/src/supertux/main.cpp:517 Component 'config' finished after 0 seconds     
[INFO] /usr/src/packages/BUILD/supertux-0.3/src/supertux/main.cpp:517 Component 'addons' finished after 0.036 seconds 
[INFO] /usr/src/packages/BUILD/supertux-0.3/src/supertux/main.cpp:517 Component 'tinygettext' finished after 0 seconds
[INFO] /usr/src/packages/BUILD/supertux-0.3/src/supertux/main.cpp:517 Component 'commandline' finished after 0 seconds
AL lib: pulseaudio.c:382: Context did not get ready: Connection refused                                               
[INFO] /usr/src/packages/BUILD/supertux-0.3/src/supertux/main.cpp:517 Component 'audio' finished after 0.012 seconds  
[INFO] /usr/src/packages/BUILD/supertux-0.3/src/video/video_systems.cpp:44 new GL renderer                            
[INFO] /usr/src/packages/BUILD/supertux-0.3/src/video/gl/gl_renderer.cpp:103 Using GLEW 1.5.1                         
[INFO] /usr/src/packages/BUILD/supertux-0.3/src/video/gl/gl_renderer.cpp:104 GLEW_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two: 1     
[WARNING] /usr/src/packages/BUILD/supertux-0.3/src/supertux/main.cpp:429 Couldn't load icon 'images/engine/icons/supertux.xpm': Couldn't open 'images/engine/icons/supertux.xpm': No such file or directory                                 
[WARNING] /usr/src/packages/BUILD/supertux-0.3/src/supertux/main.cpp:437 Couldn't load icon 'images/engine/icons/supertux.xpm'                                                                                                              
[INFO] /usr/src/packages/BUILD/supertux-0.3/src/supertux/main.cpp:443 window  Window: Size(800, 600) Fullscreen: Size(800, 600) Area: Size(0, 0)                                                                                            
[WARNING] /usr/src/packages/BUILD/supertux-0.3/src/video/texture_manager.cpp:168 Couldn't load texture '/images/engine/console.png' (now using dummy texture): Couldn't open '/images/engine/console.png': No such file or directory        
[WARNING] /usr/src/packages/BUILD/supertux-0.3/src/video/texture_manager.cpp:216 Couldn't load texture 'images/engine/missing.png' (now using empty one): Couldn't open 'images/engine/missing.png': No such file or directory              
[WARNING] /usr/src/packages/BUILD/supertux-0.3/src/video/texture_manager.cpp:168 Couldn't load texture '/images/engine/console2.png' (now using dummy texture): Couldn't open '/images/engine/console2.png': No such file or directory      
[WARNING] /usr/src/packages/BUILD/supertux-0.3/src/video/texture_manager.cpp:216 Couldn't load texture 'images/engine/missing.png' (now using empty one): Couldn't open 'images/engine/missing.png': No such file or directory              
[INFO] /usr/src/packages/BUILD/supertux-0.3/src/supertux/main.cpp:517 Component 'video' finished after 0.194 seconds  
[WARNING] /usr/src/packages/BUILD/supertux-0.3/src/scripting/squirrel_util.cpp:102 Couldn't load default.nut: Couldn't open file 'scripts/default.nut': No such file or directory                                                           
[INFO] /usr/src/packages/BUILD/supertux-0.3/src/supertux/main.cpp:517 Component 'scripting' finished after 0.001 seconds                                                                                                                    
[WARNING] /usr/src/packages/BUILD/supertux-0.3/src/video/texture_manager.cpp:168 Couldn't load texture '/images/engine/menu/mousecursor.png' (now using dummy texture): Couldn't open '/images/engine/menu/mousecursor.png': No such file or directory                                                                                                            
[WARNING] /usr/src/packages/BUILD/supertux-0.3/src/video/texture_manager.cpp:216 Couldn't load texture 'images/engine/missing.png' (now using empty one): Couldn't open 'images/engine/missing.png': No such file or directory              
[INFO] /usr/src/packages/BUILD/supertux-0.3/src/supertux/main.cpp:517 Component 'resources' finished after 0.072 seconds                                                                                                                    
[WARNING] /usr/src/packages/BUILD/supertux-0.3/src/video/texture_manager.cpp:168 Couldn't load texture '/images/engine/hud/coins-0.png' (now using dummy texture): Couldn't open '/images/engine/hud/coins-0.png': No such file or directory
[WARNING] /usr/src/packages/BUILD/supertux-0.3/src/video/texture_manager.cpp:216 Couldn't load texture 'images/engine/missing.png' (now using empty one): Couldn't open 'images/engine/missing.png': No such file or directory
[WARNING] /usr/src/packages/BUILD/supertux-0.3/src/audio/sound_manager.cpp:188 Error while preloading sound file: Couldn't open 'sounds/coin.wav': No such file or directory, using dummy sound file.
[WARNING] /usr/src/packages/BUILD/supertux-0.3/src/audio/sound_manager.cpp:188 Error while preloading sound file: Couldn't open 'sounds/lifeup.wav': No such file or directory, using dummy sound file.
[WARNING] /usr/src/packages/BUILD/supertux-0.3/src/video/texture_manager.cpp:168 Couldn't load texture '/images/engine/menu/checkbox-unchecked.png' (now using dummy texture): Couldn't open '/images/engine/menu/checkbox-unchecked.png': No such file or directory
[WARNING] /usr/src/packages/BUILD/supertux-0.3/src/video/texture_manager.cpp:216 Couldn't load texture 'images/engine/missing.png' (now using empty one): Couldn't open 'images/engine/missing.png': No such file or directory
[WARNING] /usr/src/packages/BUILD/supertux-0.3/src/video/texture_manager.cpp:168 Couldn't load texture '/images/engine/menu/checkbox-checked.png' (now using dummy texture): Couldn't open '/images/engine/menu/checkbox-checked.png': No such file or directory
[WARNING] /usr/src/packages/BUILD/supertux-0.3/src/video/texture_manager.cpp:216 Couldn't load texture 'images/engine/missing.png' (now using empty one): Couldn't open 'images/engine/missing.png': No such file or directory
[WARNING] /usr/src/packages/BUILD/supertux-0.3/src/video/texture_manager.cpp:168 Couldn't load texture '/images/engine/menu/arrow-back.png' (now using dummy texture): Couldn't open '/images/engine/menu/arrow-back.png': No such file or directory
[WARNING] /usr/src/packages/BUILD/supertux-0.3/src/video/texture_manager.cpp:216 Couldn't load texture 'images/engine/missing.png' (now using empty one): Couldn't open 'images/engine/missing.png': No such file or directory
[WARNING] /usr/src/packages/BUILD/supertux-0.3/src/video/texture_manager.cpp:168 Couldn't load texture '/images/engine/menu/arrow-left.png' (now using dummy texture): Couldn't open '/images/engine/menu/arrow-left.png': No such file or directory
[WARNING] /usr/src/packages/BUILD/supertux-0.3/src/video/texture_manager.cpp:216 Couldn't load texture 'images/engine/missing.png' (now using empty one): Couldn't open 'images/engine/missing.png': No such file or directory
[WARNING] /usr/src/packages/BUILD/supertux-0.3/src/video/texture_manager.cpp:168 Couldn't load texture '/images/engine/menu/arrow-right.png' (now using dummy texture): Couldn't open '/images/engine/menu/arrow-right.png': No such file or directory
[WARNING] /usr/src/packages/BUILD/supertux-0.3/src/video/texture_manager.cpp:216 Couldn't load texture 'images/engine/missing.png' (now using empty one): Couldn't open 'images/engine/missing.png': No such file or directory
[WARNING] /usr/src/packages/BUILD/supertux-0.3/src/video/texture_manager.cpp:168 Couldn't load texture '/images/engine/menu/score-backdrop.png' (now using dummy texture): Couldn't open '/images/engine/menu/score-backdrop.png': No such file or directory
[WARNING] /usr/src/packages/BUILD/supertux-0.3/src/video/texture_manager.cpp:216 Couldn't load texture 'images/engine/missing.png' (now using empty one): Couldn't open 'images/engine/missing.png': No such file or directory
[FATAL] /usr/src/packages/BUILD/supertux-0.3/src/supertux/game_session.cpp:125 Couldn't start level: Problem when reading level 'levels/misc/menu.stl': Couldn't open file 'levels/misc/menu.stl': No such file or directory
Segmentation fault

Can we still get this thing to work?
I hope so.

Hello korbes,

I came across the same package and discovered that it is broken.
There wasn’t an other 0.3.x package for openSUSE 11.2. So I looked
for packages for openSUSE 11.1. (And with success:))

To get it working install Supertux 0.3.2-10.1 from here.
If all goes well, you can run Supertux with the command:


Note: This is a development release. It (might) contain bugs.

There are some sound files missing. Don’t worry you can download them from here, here, here and here.
Once downloaded you need to place them all in /usr/share/supertux2/sounds/.
If you’re missing more sound files go to Supertux’s SVN Repository.
And download the missing file(s).

If you want to get rid of the Supertux development logo.
Just go to /usr/share/supertux2/images/engine/menu/ and rename logo.png to logo_dev.png.

If you have any question, just ask.

Good luck!:wink:

Hi Edward,

Sorry to bother you again, but now installed supertux 0.3.2-10.1 for Suse 11.1 but now I get the following message trying to run it?

korbes@linux-g5zf:~> supertux2
[/home/korbes/.supertux2] is in the search path
[/usr/share/supertux2] is in the search path
Couldn't load config file: Couldn't open file 'config': No such file or directory, using default settings
AL lib: pulseaudio.c:386: Context did not get ready: Connection refused

What does this mean?
Thanks in advance

Finaly!!! Now supertux2 starts with this outcome:

korbes@linux-g5zf:~> supertux2
[/home/korbes/.supertux2] is in the search path
[/usr/share/supertux2] is in the search path
Invalid button '0' in buttonmap
Invalid button '1' in buttonmap
Invalid axis '-2' in axismap
Invalid axis '-1' in axismap
Invalid axis '1' in axismap
Invalid axis '2' in axismap
AL lib: pulseaudio.c:386: Context did not get ready: Connection refused
new GL renderer
window  Window: 800x600 Fullscreen: 800x600 Area: 0x0

But everything is in slowmotion.
Even my cursor moves in slowmotion!
Is this a video card problem?
I have an onboard GeForce 7025/ nForce 630a videocard?

Hello korbes,

It could be a video card problem. Supertux 0.3.x uses openGL, so it needs direct rendering to run smooth. To check if direct rendering is enabled run:

glxinfo | grep "direct rendering"

If it returns “direct rendering: No” the chance is big that you don’t have the correct driver installed.
To install the driver follow this howto. Get the nVidia driver from here.
If this doesn’t work you can follow a difficult tutorial here.

Remember that if you install a driver, you need to reboot the system!

Best of luck!

Ok thanks Edward.
Supertux is up an running fine now.
I installed Nvidia driver.
Thanks again.:wink:

I have again a problem with supertux
The kids I think changed the resolution or something in the Supertux options menu. And when I start supertux now my monitor goes black. This is the outcome :

korbes@linux-g5zf:~> supertux2
[/home/korbes/.supertux2] is in the search path
[/usr/share/supertux2] is in the search path
Invalid button '0' in buttonmap
Invalid button '1' in buttonmap
Invalid axis '-2' in axismap
Invalid axis '-1' in axismap
Invalid axis '1' in axismap
Invalid axis '2' in axismap
AL lib: pulseaudio.c:386: Context did not get ready: Connection refused
new GL renderer
fullscreen  Window: 1432x845 Fullscreen: 800x600 Area: 0x0

Is there a config file for supertux which I can modify? Without runnin the game?
And which resolution shoul I choose? cause I think my monitor cant manage 1432x845?

Most of these games create a directory in the home folder that holds configurations and other game data. They are generally hidden directories (ie they start with a period) You can browse to your home and set View-Show Hidden checked. Now all hidden should be shown. Look for folder like .supertux. Delete it. This should bring things back to default.

You’re right gogalthorp, but he uses Supertux 0.3.2-10.1.
That means he need to remove the folder .supetux2.
Remember that this will also delete your progress.
To prevent this, just remove the file config in /home/<USER>/.supertux2/

Good Luck!:slight_smile:

I had a problem with my machine so I reinstalled Suse 11.2 all over again.
And after installing supertux svn as you said I get now this message:

korbes@linux-ouow:~> supertux2
[/home/korbes/.supertux2] is in the search path
[/usr/share/supertux2] is in the search path
Couldn't load config file: Couldn't open file 'config': No such file or directory, using default settings
AL lib: pulseaudio.c:386: Context did not get ready: Connection refused

Why did it work the first time and it won’t work now?