Super Grub Disk - Fix your Linux or Windows Bootloader!

I just wanted to post this here since it has saved my a** plenty of times. Well, not that I couldn’t fix boot issues manually, it’s just that SuperGrub Boot Disk Makes it so much easier to fix your Windows and/or Linux Bootloader.

This is a must have if you dual boot!

Here’s more info and the link to download it free:

Super Grub Disk is a bootable floppy, cdrom or usb that help you to deal with boot problems. You can automatically restore Grub on your MBR.

Here is the download page:
Super Grub Disk

Always handy to have around. Thanks for the reminder. :slight_smile:

DistroWatch mentioned this

ULTILEX .::. The Ultimate Linux Experience

As another utility disc. Don’t know whether it’s any good though…

SuperGrub is very usefull for opensuse 11.0 users as the grub fix in the recovery system of that version is broken along with other broken stuff.

This was fixed in opensuse 11.1

What a wonderful utility! I could have saved many hours of frustration.

New link is Super Grub Disk Homepage