Hi there everyone,
I have been trying to install mythbuntu, ubuntu, and now suse for about a few days now. I have narrowed down the problems and now I am stumped. Let me start with what I have, xfx 750a motherboard;AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+BE OC to 2.9ghz;2g of 1066 ram not OC actually at 800; HITACHI Deskstar 320GB SATA Hard Drive;WD Caviar 250GB SATA;LG DVD Burner GH22NS30;Lite-on IDE SOHC-5236V DVD-ROM/CD Burner;EVGA 8800gt.
*order on easus partition manager
Disk 1 250g WD *
1.Vista Apps,Drive F=126.95g
2.Vista ,Drive C=51.76
2.Restore ,Drive G=9.77
4.Bootsak ,Drive D=44.41
Disk2 320g Hitachi
1. ,Drive H=68.36
2. ,Drive I=68.36
3.Backup ,Drive J=68.36
4.unsure ,Drive E=93.01
As you can see, I have vista as my main OS. Originally, I was trying to put mythbuntu on my second hard drive. I have a few computers and was trying to test mythbuntu, before I put it on my media center pc. Ubuntu was just to test and the I ran across opensuse while researching. I think I will like it for a main OS, so it will be my main OS other Vista. I am trying to get away from MS,I have grown weary of having to purchasing programs that 6 out of 7 times I wouldn’t say suck, but arent worth the money you paid. Don’t get me wrong I am not a vista basher, in fact I prefer it to the others.
Anyway, after grueling searching and even a format, I have discovered 2 problems. My hard drives are not being seen by any of the OS. I am not sure about suse, I had a flash drive in, so I am not sure if that is what it saw. The other is when I have the dvd burner plugged in, ubuntu will not go through to the partitioning process. It is suppose to sata, but is read as ide, also no matter what setting I have the cd burner on slave, cable select, or master. It is always the main drive. **
*I have tried changing to achi mode with some linux function on, but vista will not boot, that is with me reinstalling vista after the I switched modes. I haven’t tried raid, but wasn’t really wanting to, yet. *
I read somewhere in these forums that MS OS need to be on the 1st partition. If this is the root of my problem, I can correct it. I was a little confused though, cause the one partition labeled bootsak, is short for bootsect.bak. When I made the partitions, I meant to put the vista file there, but when I created the partiton and typed create partition primary. It was meant to have about 55 to 58 gigs, so I used that one which was meant to be the backup partition.
If someone could help point me in the right direction. I can move the vista partition if that is the problem. I thought the motherboard could be the problem, but I am not so sure anymore. I have got to get some rest, sorry for this post being choppy. It is 4 in the morning here and I have been at it all night.
Here are some pics I took of suse and the partition manager. Oh, I have easybcd downloaded, but haven’t used it yet. I wanted to make sure that was what I need to do.