Stuck unexpectedly


I’m using a dual boot system with OpenSuse 11.2. When I’m using OpenSuse it always gets stuck after few minutes (varies from 5-10min). When this happen I have to restart the system manually and same thing happens again.

I’m using a Intel P IV processor and ATI graphic card. Is this a hardware problem or OS bug?

I’m not sure upgrading to 11.3 will fix the problem.


when you say ‘stuck’ what do you mean?

  • will the mouse move
  • do the number-lock and/or scroll-lock LEDs flash, or not?
  • what happens if you do not touch the keyboard for ten minutes?
  • does the hard-drive in use light flash?
  • are you on wireless or wired internet? do any network router or
    modem (which) lights flash

did you do this prior to install: ?

did it ever work correctly? if so, for how long? and when did it change?

does your machine meet the minimum requirements for 11.2?

System Requirements

  • Pentium* III 500 MHz or higher processor (Pentium 4 2.4
    GHz or higher or any AMD64 for Intel* EM64T processor recommended)
  • 512 MB physical RAM (1 GB recommended)
  • 3 GB available disk space (more recommended)
  • 800 x 600 display resolution (1024 x 768 or higher recommended)

which graphics driver are you running? (which you can learn by
clicking on My Computer)

When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.
CAVEAT: [posted via NNTP w/openSUSE 10.3]

Hi Denver,

  • When the system is stuck mouse or keyboard is not responding. Mouse pointer does not move either.
  • I can turn on/off keyboard LEDs. But no flashing.
  • Even though I don’t use keyboard for 10min(approx) if any program is running it gets stuck. This happens frequently if I minimize/maximize windows(dophin window manager).
    I had problems using caffeine/amarok player with window manager operations. It just keep playing the current track, but afterward no response at all.
  • Hard drive LED never flashes when stuck. So no Hard disk read/write at that time.
  • I could not even configure the network connections since this happen frequently.
  • No response to any key combinations.
  • I did the steps in screenshot except checking for graphic card. No error during installation. But it can almost detect the highest resolution with highest refresh rate (85Hz). This refresh rate is not the default in Windows OS.
  • It never worked correctly.
  • My machine meets the minimum requirements. I just have twice as recommended (2GB RAM, P IV 3.08GHz, 20GB HD space).
  • I’m using separate ATI Radion graphic card (256MB).


did you do this prior to install: ?

if not, do it now and reply with results please…

When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.
CAVEAT: [posted via NNTP w/openSUSE 10.3]

Since kaffeine and amarok are being used, I assume this is a KDE desktop. From what you describe the problem looks video card related, I suspect you’re not using the right driver.
Like DenverD. asked, take a look in ‘My Computer’, which can also bee seen by entering “sysinfo:/” in Konqueror’s address bar. That page should tell you which video driver is being used.
Please also post output of:

uname -a
zypper lr -d
cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Hi Denver,

Here’s the screen shots of system information of the current version(11.2). I’m downloading the 11.3 version and thinking of doing a fresh installation following the steps given in your screenshots. I’ll provide the results as soon as I install the new version.

Please let me know is there anything I can do to solve the problem in current version?

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After a long time wait I could install OpenSuse 11.3 without any prblem, following the screenshot guide. I’m happy to say it works smoothly now. Thanks for helping me.
