Stripy cursor and text


Two weeks ago I got me a new computer, based on the AMD chipset (MDB AM2 FOXCONN A690VM2MA VISTA). A week later I downloaded the install CD for Suse 11.0, and performed an Internet install. This was, I believe, the fourth install of Suse I performed.

After installation I noticed that when I move my cursor I got a very stripy cursor, which made positioning the cursor very difficult. Scrolling a page down made the text stripy also. And with stripy I mean that the cursor or text is obscured by horizontal lines.

I asked advice from a co-worker. Sadly his experience is in Ubuntu, not in Suse. But he said this was a problem he had experience with himself. He said the problem was caused by (the driver of) my graphical card. If I remember correctly, a Radeon driver is used. But if I read the order form of my supplier correctly, this is the wrong one. The form has “ONBOARD AMD690V 2D/3D PCIE” as entry for the VGA.

So, the big question is, how will I solve my problem? Instruct Suse that Radeon is the incorrect driver. If so, how?



in Yast, enable the ATI community repository and install the proprietary ATI driver.
