Strange window resizing behavior of gvim

Hi! I have an installation of openSUSE 15.4. I use the trinity desktop environment (TDE). I have gvim version 9.0.1572-150000.5.46. It has a strange self-resizing behavior. After I launch it gvim opens
at first as a regularly sized window but then it shrinks itself in width until there is just space for the menu items. If I try to enlarge it it freezes and looks like this:

To make it “unfreeze” I have to move it a bit, then it is responsive and I can type. I also noticed that the problem is related to the menu. If I turn the menu off with

:set guioptions-=m

then the problem does not occur, but I do not have a menu. Is there any way to troubleshoot this? Has anybody encountered a similar problem with gvim?



Which version of TDE are you using?

  • The latest version seems to be the 14.1.0 release from April this year.

Did you install the Trinity Desktop Environment from the openSUSE repositories?

  • There ain’t no official packages …

Are all the package dependencies satisfied?

  • Especially, those components (objects) required by the “gvim” package …

# zypper verify

Does the systemd (user) Journal indicate anything?
Does ‘~/.local/share/sddm/xorg-session.log’ indicate anything?

zypper verify
Retrieving repository 'Update repository with updates from SUSE Linux Ente[done]
Building repository 'Update repository with updates from SUSE Linux Enterp[done]
Loading repository data…
Reading installed packages…
Dependencies of all installed packages are satisfied.

Which version of TDE are you using?


Did you install the Trinity Desktop Environment from the openSUSE repositories?

No. I didn’t know there was a repository for Trinity on the openSUSE mirrors. I installed TDE using the instructions on the Trinity website:

Does the systemd (user) Journal indicate anything?

I don’t see any messages there related to gvim.

Does ‘~/.local/share/sddm/xorg-session.log’ indicate anything?

It shows nothing when I launch or resize gvim. When I close gvim it shows:

[2023/08/11 08:26:22.788] X Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) 3
Major opcode: 19
Minor opcode: 0
Resource id: 0x4600007


The package “gvim” needs a couple of GTK+ libraries and X11 libraries.

  • Exactly how TDE is handling those calls to current GTK+ and X11 libraries from a KDE3 environment is a good question.

You may have to raise a Change Request with the TDE folks.

Please note the following from the ArchWiki TDE information – <>

TDE still depends on an old version of Qt, which they now maintain themselves, since it is deprecated.

Only the Trinity folks know how their Qt environment handles GTK+ and X11 calls.


You may consider reading this article which review the TDE: <>

What happens with other GTK+ applications?
Such as –

  • Mozilla Firefox
  • LibreOffice

What happens with other GTK+ applications?
Such as –

Mozilla Firefox

They work fine. I am familiar with the history of KDE3 and TDE. TDE is overall a good desktop.

I forgot to mention that after installing TDE I accidentally logged into plasma. However, I created a guest account where I never logged into plasma and even there I still see the problem with gvim resizing in TDE. Unless logging into plasma modified any system-wide settings especially related to gtk3 it may not be related to that. I looked at the /etc folder and I did not see anything related to gtk3 that was modified around the time when I logged into plasma. I wonder though whether I missed something.