strange filesystem error


I have a strange problem with the filesystem on my partitions.

I have installed Thunderbird mail and placed the mailbox on a separate partition.
The name of the partition is DATA (a partition on sda2)
Everything works fine but i had to change the filepath to DATA____ (4 underscores) in the profile to get it to work.
Now a day later I could not get Thunderbird te work and checking the profile and filesystem I had to change the path in the profile to DATA_____ (5 underscores) to get Thunderbird to work.

Checking in Nautilus I get in /media/ the strange listing:
DATA__ ?
DATA___ ?
DATA____ ? items map
DATA_____ 8 items map
The same type of listing I get for my external disk.
and sda1 (disk-1, disk-2 etc)
Is there something wrong with the mounting (multiple) ?
and how can I get this listing stable

I seems that you haven not mounted the partition properly. Possibly you left that to HAL. What do you mean with “The name of the partition is DATA”? Is that the volume name?

It would be usefull for people looking into your problem (including me) when you post the output (as root) of

fdisk -l


cat /etc/fstab


> Hi
> I have a strange problem with the filesystem on my partitions.
> I have installed Thunderbird mail and placed the mailbox on a separate
> partition.
> The name of the partition is DATA (a partition on sda2)

Is this an external disk perhaps connected over USB?

> Everything works fine but i had to change the filepath to DATA____ (4
> underscores) in the profile to get it to work.
> Now a day later I could not get Thunderbird te work and checking the
> profile and filesystem I had to change the path in the profile to
> DATA_____ (5 underscores) to get Thunderbird to work.
> Checking in Nautilus I get in /media/ the strange listing:
> DATA ?
> DATA_ ?
> DATA__ ?
> DATA___ ?
> DATA____ ? items map
> DATA_____ 8 items map
> The same type of listing I get for my external disk.
> and sda1 (disk-1, disk-2 etc)
> Is there something wrong with the mounting (multiple) ?
> and how can I get this listing stable

This happens when the disk is not nicely unmounted during shutdown.
It leaves the mount point in /media and when on boot it tries to mount it, it
notices the old mount point and creates a new one with by adding an underscore
to it.

I too wants to know the best way to go around this behavior. The way I’ve done
it is by adding a remove statement in /etc/boot/init.d/boot.local that simply
removes the mount point on every startup thus the mount can create the correct
mount point as there isn’t one already in place.

I know this isn’t the best way to go around it, and it is risky as well. But in
lack of finding an answer this is how I have solved it and it works for me.

Niclas Ekstedt, CNA/CNE/CNS/CLS
Systems Engineer
Atea Sverige AB


I’ve been looking around for the right syntax but could not find any.
Being a newbie on linux i’d rather take no risks.
can you send me an example syntax so I can work it out it for my system?

rm -DATA
rm -DATA_
rm -DATA__ etc for the first reboot and leave rm -DATA in boot.local

or do I use umount DATA
umount DATA_ etcetera


> niclas
> I’ve been looking around for the right syntax but could not find any.
> Being a newbie on linux i’d rather take no risks.
> can you send me an example syntax so I can work it out it for my
> system?

All that’s needed in your case as your volume is called DATA is to add the
following line to /etc/init.d/boot.local

rm -rf /media/DATA

Problem with this command is that it deletes /media/DATA and all subdirectories
and files below this directory. This shouldn’t be a problem normally as the USB
disks is mounted later during the boot process. But I would highly advise when
you try this out you use a test disk with no vital information on, as you may
otherwise risk loosing the data. I can’t stress this enough!
As I mentioned it’s a risky solution but it has worked well for me, and I have 7
USB disks connected to my system.

Niclas Ekstedt, CNA/CNE/CNS/CLS
Systems Engineer
Atea Sverige AB

Thank you for your reply

I found out that one of my drives had a space in the name
(HD EXTERNAL) I changed the name into HD_EXTERNAL and mounting/unmounting did not give any problems anymore (for now at least)
I have deleted all the DATA____ and HD EXTERNAL from /media directory and I think everything works fine now

I will save your reply just in case.

I did ask you for some more info by executing a few statements. When you do not provide that info, but only complain that you are “looking around for the right syntax but could not find any. Being a newbie on linux i’d rather take no risks”, I do not get that info and it is terrible difficult to help you.


Good. And I hope that anyone else will reply to this thread
with a better solution to this as I’m sure there’s a nicer way
around this.

Niclas Ekstedt, CNA/CNE/CNS/CLS
Systems Engineer
Atea Sverige AB


I did not visit the forum dayly but I did check your suggestions.
and in the meantime tried to get more information on how to work with open suse, because Niclas has the same problem and found a workaround I only reacted to his suggestions, that does not mean that other suggestions are not used.
The Volumenames were given in windows and probably not fully accepted on linux /suse.
changing the volumenames solved the problem however.
I would place a SOLVED on this item like is possible in ubuntu but there is no way I can change the original titel.

thanks for your help anyway

As an old grumbler I doubt your problem is solved. May be at the moment things are going as you want them to go, but a problem is realy solved when you understand why.

As you express your wish to learn, I can only give you the following link which is strongly coupled to your subject:
SDB:Basics of partitions, filesystems, mount points - openSUSE

I still have the problem occasionally both on desktop and laptop. and the answers to your questions
here’s from the laptop which has the problem with the memorystick.
looking with nautilus to my filesystem I get:
(only the memorystick [called Frits_stick] related lines)
Frits_Stick ?items map 17okt 2009
Frits_Stick_ 16 items map unknown

Fdisk -l lists this:

linux-f7jd:/home/frits # fdisk -l

Schijf /dev/sda: 80.0 GB, 80026361856 bytes
255 koppen, 63 sectoren/spoor, 9729 cilinders
Eenheid = cilinders van 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

Schijf-ID: 0xa0000000

Apparaat Opstart Begin Einde Blokken ID Systeem
/dev/sda1 1 17 136521 de Dell Utility
/dev/sda2 * 18 2759 22025115 f W95 Uitgeb. (LBA)
/dev/sda3 2760 9729 55986525 83 Linux
/dev/sda5 18 186 1357461 82 Linux wisselgeheugen
/dev/sda6 187 2759 20667591 83 Linux

Schijf /dev/sdb: 1027 MB, 1027604480 bytes
255 koppen, 63 sectoren/spoor, 124 cilinders
Eenheid = cilinders van 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

Schijf-ID: 0x91f72d24

Apparaat Opstart Begin Einde Blokken ID Systeem
/dev/sdb1 * 1 125 1003488+ 6 FAT16
linux-f7jd:/home/frits #

cat /etc/fstab

linux-f7jd:/home/frits # cat /etc/fstab
/dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WD800BEVT-75ZCT2_WD-WXCX08387742-part5 swap swap defaults 0 0
/dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WD800BEVT-75ZCT2_WD-WXCX08387742-part6 / ext3 acl,user_xattr 1 1
/dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WD800BEVT-75ZCT2_WD-WXCX08387742-part3 /home ext3 acl,user_xattr 1 2
proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
sysfs /sys sysfs noauto 0 0
debugfs /sys/kernel/debug debugfs noauto 0 0
devpts /dev/pts devpts mode=0620,gid=5 0 0
linux-f7jd:/home/frits #

looks like all is OK to me, but a starter cannot find the stick because it is renamed into

I remove the wrong items from /media/ by hand when the errors occur.